Solar | Page 62 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Solar | Page 62

August 8, 2022

BASF Enters Into VPPAs

BASF entered into VPPAs for wind and solar power totaling 250 MW that are designed to offset the carbon-intensive grid-supplied electricity being used at more than 20 of BASF’s manufacturing sites in several states.

August 5, 2022

Ansys Targets Carbon Reduction by 2027

Ansys, a simulation software provider, set a goal to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 15% by 2027, compared with its current 2019 baseline.

GHG Emissions  -  August 3, 2022

Wilsonart's Solar Lowers Emissions

Wilsonart, an engineered surfaces company, announced it collected Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions data for the first time.

August 1, 2022

L'Oréal North Asia Achieves Carbon Neutrality     

L'Oréal Group’s North Asia Zone is the first of the company’s zones to achieve carbon neutrality across all operated sites, plants, distribution centers, offices and research and innovation centers.

Solar  -  August 1, 2022

Maryland County Public Works to Build Solar

The Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works in Maryland began work to develop a solar project providing clean energy to the Bureau of Utility Operations facilities.

Sourcing Renewables  -  July 27, 2022 - By DiCE (Diversity in Clean Energy)

Applying a Regeneration Framework to Clean Energy

“Global Warming... is an offering to re-imagine who we are and what we can create with our minds, our heart, and our brilliance." This column, the second in a series from DiCE (Diversity in Clean Energy) highlights two diverse-owned corporations in the clean energy sector who have been instrumental in shaping the DiCE initiative.

Solar  -  July 26, 2022

Mizuho Shifts to Renewable Energy

Mizuho Bank, Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. shifted to using renewable energy at seven large-scale properties owned or leased by the bank in Japan.

Microgrids  -  July 25, 2022

Turtle Island Beach Resort Adds Battery Storage

Turtle Island Beach Resort added a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Energy Management System (EMS) in a microgrid in Belize.

Solar  -  July 22, 2022

American Tower Achieves Goal of Adding Solar

American Tower Corporation achieved 78% of the company’s 2025 second-generation renewable energy goal by expanding its portfolio to include 58MW of solar capacity installed at almost 11,000 sites.

Solar  -  July 20, 2022

Rite Aid Adds RE in California

Rite Aid expanded its partnership with 3 Phases Renewables to purchase 50% renewable power at select stores in southern California to include an additional 150 stores, the Thrifty ice cream plant and a distribution center.

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