Sourcing Renewables | Page 155
Sourcing Renewables - October 14, 2020
Preparing for the Energy Transition, Part 1: Immediate Steps For C&I Facilities
Many of today’s commercial and industrial facilities seek smart, scalable plans for the energy transition. This white paper from Shell Energy outlines four strategies that businesses can take now to start greening their operations on the path to long-term decarbonization.
Sourcing Renewables - October 12, 2020
Go Beyond the Meter with Kroger, Ithaca College and California Polytechnic
Two new episodes of the Beyond the Meter podcast series have been released, featuring guests from Kroger discussing “Teaming on Sustainability” and Ithaca College and Cal Poly on “Evolving Energy Strategies in Higher Ed.”
Sourcing Renewables - October 12, 2020
Texas water utility renews agreement for solar power supply
The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) announced Oct. 8 that they are extending an agreement to receive clean power from Direct Energy Business (DEB) and offset their non-renewable power with RECs.
Energy Efficiency - October 12, 2020
Beyond the Meter Podcast - Episode 11: Evolving Energy Strategies In Higher Ed - What's Next?
Institutes of higher education are large consumers of energy. From the lights and heat that are needed to keep students and faculty comfortable enough to learn effectively, to the equipment, technology, and staff required to keep things running, the expense is enormous. In this episode of Beyond the Meter, three guests from the realm of higher education join John for a frank conversation about the overall challenges faced by institutions of higher learning when it comes to renewable energy.
Energy Efficiency - October 10, 2020
Weekend reads: The U.K.'s pursuit of wind power; How to pass a climate bill
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Commercial - October 9, 2020
Amazon reveals first custom electric delivery vehicle
Amazon announced Oct. 8 its first custom electric vehicle, designed in pursuit of its 2040 goal to have 10,000 custom electric delivery vehicles on the road worldwide by 2022 and 100,000 by 2030.
Sourcing Renewables - October 9, 2020
Smart Energy Voices Podcast - Episode 10: When It Comes To Renewables, There Are Few City Limits In Austin
In this episode of Smart Energy Voices, Peter Kelly-Detwiler sits down with Teresa Kanter, from Duke Energy Renewables (DER), and Erika Bierschbach, from Austin Energy (AE), to discuss the City of Austin's leadership in renewable energy procurement and their partnership with Duke Energy. You’ll hear how Duke Energy Renewables and Austin Energy are moving forward and pushing limits in Austin. Listen to this episode of Smart Energy Voices to hear specific insights from both buyer and supplier perspectives.
Sourcing Renewables - October 8, 2020
Audi Australia commits to 100% RE starting next year
Audi Australia recently announced that it is committed to 100% renewable energy starting in 2021.
Distributed Energy Resources - October 7, 2020
Smart Energy Decisions Announces 2021 Event Lineup
Smart Energy Decisions has released the dates for its 2021 event schedule, which will include the Innovation Summit, Distributed Energy Forum, and summer and winter editions of the Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum. “We are committed to bringing our community together, be it physically or virtually throughout 2021, to help ensure their success,” said John Failla, Founder and Editorial Director of Smart Energy Decisions.
Sourcing Renewables - October 6, 2020
Iron Mountain increases resiliency of RE sources
Iron Mountain announced Oct. 6 a new project focused on continuously and cost-effectively powering their data centers in five states with renewable energy using risk management tools that increase reliability.
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