Sourcing Renewables | Page 294
Energy Efficiency - July 8, 2016
Dow Chemical hits snag in energy intensity reduction, plunges forward in renewables
Dow Chemical Co. fell far short of its targeted energy intensity cuts in 2015, but still achieved its GHG reductions goal and continues to plow forward with its adoption of renewable energy.
Solar - July 8, 2016
Southern Power continues solar binge, scoops up 3 new projects
On its path to be a 'renewable energy leader,' Southern Co.'s unregulated electric power business has bought three new solar projects in as many days.
Solar - July 6, 2016
MGM Resorts, NRG complete nation's largest rooftop solar installation
MGM Resorts International on July 6 announced the completed expansion of what is being called the nation's largest rooftop solar array.
Sourcing Renewables - July 5, 2016
HP targets 40% renewable energy by 2020 on path toward 100%
HP Inc. has announced a series of new sustainability commitments, including a pledge to power its global operations entirely with renewable energy.
Wind - July 1, 2016
Google signs PPA for additional European wind energy to power data centers
Google on June 29 said it agreed to purchase, for 12 years, the entire electric output of a 120-MW wind farm to be built in Norway. The company will use the energy to power its European data centers.
Sourcing Renewables - July 1, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
A decade into energy management, Corning looks to renewable energy
Ten years after the initial launch of its internal global energy management program, Corning Inc.'s strategy has evolved beyond traditional efficiency into a new era.
Sourcing Renewables - June 29, 2016
United Airlines named among 6 global industry leaders in biofuel use
United Airlines Inc. is among a list of six major airlines recognized as leaders in sustainable biofuel use by the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Sourcing Renewables - June 28, 2016 - By John duPont
Your roadmap to 100% renewable energy: Taking the 1st steps
By following a pragmatic, step-by-step approach that starts with committing to big goals, you can lead your organization to transform your energy supply.
Energy Efficiency - June 27, 2016
Amid 3-pronged approach to climate change, Dell reports 16% emissions reductions YOY
Dell's strategy for reducing carbon emissions includes renewable energy sourcing, driving efficiency through its data centers and reducing the energy intensity of its products.
Sourcing Renewables - June 27, 2016
PG&E to replace nuclear capacity with energy efficiency, renewable energy generation
Amid a changing energy landscape in California, Pacific Gas and Electric is targeting a generation portfolio of 55% renewable energy by 2030.
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