Sourcing Renewables | Page 97 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Sourcing Renewables | Page 97

Solar  -  February 15, 2022

AT&T Signs VPPA for Solar Power

AT&T signed two virtual power purchase agreements for a total of 155 MW to support new solar projects in Maryland and Pennsylvania.

February 14, 2022

Philadelphia Energy Authority Adds Solar Programs

The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) will expand access to onsite renewable energy solutions for business, commercial and industrial properties throughout the city as part of its Solarize Philly Program.

GHG Emissions  -  February 14, 2022

Arkansas Projects Implemented to Lower Emissions

The state of Arkansas will lower over one million metric tons of carbon dioxide through a series of energy efficiency and renewable energy public projects.

February 11, 2022

SED's WISE Award Winners Announced

Smart Energy Decisions (SED) is proud to announce the winners of its inaugural WISE (Women in Smart Energy) Awards. The winners will be celebrated on March 16 at the closing dinner of the 2022 Innovation Summit at The Houstonian Hotel, Club and Spa in Houston, Texas

February 11, 2022

SDG&E Adds Three Energy Storage Facilities to Grid

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) received approval from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to build three new energy storage facilities totaling 161MW/644MWh.

Solar  -  February 10, 2022

Mauna Loa Hawaii Plant Powered by Solar

The Mauna Loa processing plant in Kea‘au, Hawaii will now receive 85% of its power from solar energy with the completion of a 1.2 MW solar farm and 500 kW battery storage system.

GHG Emissions  -  February 9, 2022

Innovation Summit To Address Challenges in Achieving Emission Reduction Targets

As emission reduction targets and other sustainability goals become crucial for organizations of all types, getting projects initiated and completed has become more challenging. The Innovation Summit, March 14-16 at The Houstonian Hotel, Club and Spa, Houston, TX, an intimate invitation-only event is designed to bring together sustainability and energy management executives with leading suppliers to discuss cutting-edge solutions and best practices in strategies for emissions reduction, energy efficiency, and renewable energy sourcing.

Wind  -  February 9, 2022

Lafarge Canada Signs Wind PPA

Lafarge Canada Inc. announced it has entered into a PPA with Calgary-based electricity company, TransAlta Corporation to supply 100 GWh/year of wind power (electricity only) to its Exshaw cement plant.

Sourcing Renewables  -  February 9, 2022

Element Critical’s Data Centers Powered 100% by Renewables

Element Critical, an owner and operator of tailored IT infrastructure solutions, announced that it signed a PPA to provide 100% renewable energy to power its Houston and Austin colocation data centers.

February 9, 2022

Virgin Atlantic Agrees to SAF Supply

Virgin Atlantic Limited and Neste Oyi announced the UK supply of 2.5 million litres/2,000 metric tonnes of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which will be delivered in the first half of 2022 to London Heathrow.

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