Industrial recommissioning: Not just a building tune-up - Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial recommissioning: Not just a tune-up

Type: Research Study
Categories: Energy Efficiency, Industrial, Utilities
Date Published: 2/1/2017
Source: Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

This report from the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project reviews features of six existing industrial recommissioning programs offered by utilities and provides a set of recommendations for successfully implementing a new program that saves energy and money.

Through low-cost improvements to common industrial energy systems such as compressed air, pumping, process cooling and refrigeration, customers can often save 10% to 20% of the energy consumption of the systems targeted. Industrial recommissioning programs complement demand-side management incentive programs for capital projects (equipment upgrades), and also complement strategic energy management (SEM) programs, which provide more in-depth training and typically target larger customers. 

SWEEP is a public interest organization promoting greater energy efficiency in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.


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