What to expect from energy markets in 2019 - Smart Energy Decisions

What to Expect from Energy Markets in 2019

Type: White Paper
Categories: Power Prices, Regulation, Sourcing Renewables
Date Published: 1/23/2019
Source: Enel X North America
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

The energy markets are complex, and it can be difficult for large energy consumers to monitor the constantly changing energy world to determine how activity in the market could affect them.

In their annual energy market outlook, Enel X North America’s Intelligence and Analytics team breaks down what large energy consumers need to know about the major developments set to take place in 2019. Divided into three parts, this year’s report breaks down:

  • Why corporate buyers are likely to see costs for renewable energy increase in the coming years
  • How natural gas supply and demand trends could affect energy prices in 2019
  • The potential impact of emerging regulations in several key markets across the US

Download the whitepaper to learn more about the key market issues facing energy consumers in 2019.

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