Green Lease Leaders: How Industrial Building Owners Use the Lease to Optimize Sustainable Business Practices
Type: Article
Categories: Energy Efficiency, Industrial, Finance
Date Published: 10/11/2019
Source: Institute for Market Transformation, Better Buildings Alliance
Primary Topic: Industrial
As building efficiency efforts have progressed to more advanced and holistic approaches to meet ambitious climate and sustainability goals, green leases have evolved as well to enable their achievement. The newest edition of IMT and the DOE’s Better Buildings Alliance’s case study series shines a spotlight on 2019’s Green Lease Leaders implementing effective strategies into their leasing practices and overall building operations in industrial spaces.
Read the report to learn how:
- Rexford Industrial uses green leasing to sharpen its focus on sustainability as a business model for its company while increasing the value of properties and bringing environmental and social benefits to its tenants.
- Sabey Data Centers ensures its multi-tenant customers, no matter their requirements, can save energy while continuously powering servers and cooling airflow for the optimal performance of complex systems and technologies.
- STAG Industrial finances efficiency projects at no up-front cost to its tenants, while using its lease to ensure access to energy performance data so it can track and identify future capital improvement projects across its entire portfolio of buildings.
Download the report to explore strong examples for every real estate or sustainability practitioner to consider when leasing property:
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