Corporate energy management, renewable energy resources - Smart Energy Decisions

Smart Energy Decisions Research Center

Sourcing Renewables  -  October 18, 2016

Corporate renewable energy procurement: A snapshot of key trends, strategies and practices

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 10/18/2016
Source: World Wildlife Fund, Corporate Eco Forum
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

This report from the World Wildlife Fund and Corporate Eco Forum on corporate renewable energy procurement highlights the key trends; strategies; implementation practices; and policy and state engagement priorities of 2016.

Sourcing Renewables  -  October 18, 2016

Webinar: GM's road to 100% renewable energy

Type: Webinar
Date Published: 10/20/2016
Source: Altenex
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

This webinar, sponsored by Altenex, explores General Motors' commitment to powering its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2050 and how it plans to get there.

Energy Procurement  -  October 10, 2016

Smart Energy Strategies for Manufacturers

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 10/10/2016
Source: Direct Energy
Primary Topic: Energy Procurement

In this whitepaper presented by Direct Energy, the team outlines a series of smart energy strategies designed specifically for manufacturers in today's complex market.

Energy Efficiency  -  October 10, 2016

Smart Energy Strategies for Large Retail Businesses

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 10/10/2016
Source: Direct Energy
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

In this whitepaper presented by Direct Energy, the team shares its insight into a number of different smart energy strategies specifically designed for large retail businesses.

Energy Procurement  -  October 3, 2016

Chart your course to a successful energy strategy

Type: Supplier Information
Date Published: 10/3/2016
Source: Constellation
Primary Topic: Energy Procurement

In this e-book sponsored by Constellation, the team lays out their method for helping commercial and industrial energy users create an integrated energy strategy.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 27, 2016

DOE's Better Plants fall 2016 progress update

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 9/23/2016
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

This report details recent energy efficiency successes from a growing number of manufacturing organizations — including big corporations like 3M, Celanese, General Mills, General Motors and Procter & Gamble — within the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Plants program.

Demand Management  -  September 26, 2016

Case study: How the National Aquarium is championing energy management

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 9/26/2016
Author: By Constellation
Source: Constellation
Primary Topic: Demand Management

This case study presented by Constellation outlines how the team helped the National Aquarium in Baltimore develop an energy management strategy that promotes efficiency and conservation.

Distributed Generation  -  September 13, 2016

Case study: Whole Foods Market's rapid solar rollout

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 9/12/2016
Source: Retail Industry Leaders Association
Primary Topic: Distributed Generation

In this new analysis of Whole Foods Market's approach to rooftop solar installations in multiple facilities, the Retail Industry Leaders Association and The Solar Foundation explores the company's strategy for completing about 100 rooftop solar installations by 2017.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 9, 2016

Recommended Retail Rooftop Unit Lease Language

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 4/1/2016
Source: U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Alliance
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

In existing leased retail spaces, incentives and costs often do not align to allow commercial tenants and landlords to realize energy savings through efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning or HVAC system specification, operation and maintenance.

Commercial  -  August 23, 2016

Case study: Belk's 'seeing is believing' LED pilot

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 7/1/2016
Source: Retail Industry Leaders Association
Primary Topic: Commercial

This case study features the Southern department store Belk and a LED retrofit pilot program that led to a broader energy efficiency rollouts across the company, including a redesign of their entire lighting infrastructure.

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