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Blog posts tagged with "AWEA"

Solar and wind industries ask Congress for extensions amidst COVID-19

March 23, 2020

Solar Energy Industries Association and American Wind Energy Association wrote a letter to Congress detailing the challenges the renewable energy faces in the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic and offering solutions to ensure work opportunities and establish a new clean energy grid during the crisis.

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Keywords: AWEA, SEIA  |   0 Comments

AWEA Corporate Buyer's Guide to Wind Energy

May 25, 2018

Corporations are setting ambitious targets for renewable energy procurement, and are choosing wind energy more than any other source. AWEA (American Wind Energy Association) presents the "Corporate Buyer's Guide to Wind Energy,"

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First-time C&I’s drive record wind PPAs

May 22, 2018

Led by first-time wind PPA participants Adobe, AT&T, and Nestle, along with repeat customers Bloomberg, Facebook, Nike, and T-Mobile, the number of wind PPAs signed in the first quarter of 2018 reached 3,500 MW, the highest level in any quarter since American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began tracking them in 2013.

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Keywords: AWEA  |   0 Comments

New wind farms drive investment in 2017 and beyond

January 31, 2018

The U.S. wind power industry ended 2017 with $11 billion in new private investment and 7,017 MW of new wind capacity, according to the U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2017 Market Report, released on Jan. 30 by the American Wind Energy Association

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Keywords: AWEA  |   0 Comments

Roundup: The Senate tax bill's energy impacts

December 4, 2017

The tax bill passed by the U.S. Senate early in the morning Dec. 2 includes, among other measures with significant energy industry impacts, a number of provisions expected to negatively impact clean energy investments.

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Keywords: ACORE, AWEA  |   0 Comments

Groups release US grid study ahead of DOE's

By Amy Poszywak   |  June 21, 2017

A new study funded by the Advanced Energy Economy and the American Wind Energy Association has found that the shifting U.S. electricity resource mix does not threaten the reliability of the country's power system.

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Keywords: aee, AWEA, Rick Perry  |   0 Comments

EIA says wind reached 5.5% of US grid in 2016

March 6, 2017

Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20% of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

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GM helps position wind as all-American energy source

February 9, 2017

At a General Motors Co. assembly plant in Arlington, Texas, that will soon be powered entirely with wind power, the American Wind Energy Association released its fourth quarter 2016 market report and sought to position the renewable energy source as all-American solution for U.S. businesses.

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Keywords: AWEA, general motors  |   0 Comments

AWEA: Rural, Rust Belt wind powering corporates

December 29, 2016

As commercial and industrial corporations are turning to wind energy to help meet increasingly large renewable energy goals, the American Wind Energy Association has published an analysis of corporate wind power purchase agreements to date.

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Bolstered by Google, Dow Chemical, nonutility buyers made up 19% of Q2 wind capacity contracts

July 29, 2016

U.S. wind industry activity approached record levels in the second quarter of 2016 as utilities and other purchasers locked in record-low wind costs, according to the American Wind Energy Association, which released its quarterly market report July 26.

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Keywords: AWEA, Dow Chemical, google  |   0 Comments

Google recognized for contributions to wind energy

June 3, 2016

The American Wind Energy Association said Google's leadership in the space has helped open the market for new wind development

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Keywords: AWEA, google  |   0 Comments

The wind is blowing toward corporate buyers big time, AWEA says

February 23, 2016

About 75% of the wind megawatts contracted through power purchase agreements in the fourth quarter of 2015 were through corporations, according to a new report.

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