Energy Management Articles
Blog posts tagged with "Bayer"
Bayer Adds Solar in New Jersey, California
Bayer, a healthcare and nutrition company, added two new solar energy projects to lower energy costs while increasing its use of renewable power.
Bayer, GenZero Shell Parter on Emissions Project for Rice Cultivation
Bayer, a global company in the life science fields of agriculture and healthcare, partnered with several companies to showcase the scalability of methane emissions reduction in rice cultivation.
Bayer inks deal with wind farm in Mexico
Bayer announced Aug. 24 that they entered into a 15-year agreement with a wind farm to provide power to their Mexican operations, including four plants in Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Tlaxcala and Veracruz and 23 operation centers.
Bayer to reward farmers for carbon sequestration practices
Bayer announced July 21 their new initiative to begin rewarding farmers in Brazil and the U.S. for generating carbon credits by adopting practices that help agriculture reduce its carbon footprint.