Energy Management Articles
Blog posts tagged with "Colorado State University"
A Ground Source Heat Pump Solution for Colorado State University
Updating aging equipment and improving efficiency are foundational goals for Colorado State University, but the Facilities Management staff realized that updates at its Moby Athletic Complex with “business as usual” equipment would not be in their best long-term interest. In this column from Better Buildings, learn how a new ground source heat pump system is providing heating and cooling to the 420,000 facility - and reducing total energy used by more than 50%.
Solar Power Purchase Agreement Advances RE at Colorado State University
As part of its GHG reduction efforts, Colorado State University has been adding solar photovoltaic systems to its campuses, including the use of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which have proven to be a powerful tool for bringing large quantities of solar to campus. In this column from Better Buildings, learn about the University's five-step solar PPA contracting and installation process.
Colorado State University starts campus-wide solar installations
Colorado State University announced March 18 that work has begun on the construction of 5.5 MW of solar power capacity across 21 sites at its Fort Collins campus.
Colorado State University signs on 10 MW of onsite solar
Colorado State University (CSU) announced Oct. 28 up to 10 MW of new solar installations that could more than double the campus' already installed 6.8 MW of onsite solar.
CSU pivots towards green tariff
After reviewing 75 proposed projects from 27 companies with the goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2030, Colorado State University has decided not to move forward with any of these projects. Instead, the university will pivot to a strategy of joining four other Fort Collins electricity users in a green tariff.