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Expert Columns

Energy Efficiency  -  June 10, 2022 - By Audi Banny, IMT

Top 3 Trends from the 2022 Green Lease Leaders

Winners of the 2022 Green Lease Leaders from the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DEO) Better Buildings Alliance are finding ways to make green leasing advantageous for their business models. In this column, Audi Banny of IMT presents the three most important trends from this year's winners.

May 23, 2022 - By Dr. Wolfgang Bauer, Michigan State University

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Needs a Fundamental Redesign

While electric vehicles presently only amount to a small percentage of new vehicles purchased in the US, now is time to make plans for how to charge all these EVs once they become the dominant form of transportation. Dr. Wolfgang Bauer of Michigan State University offers a solution: swappable batteries.

Energy Efficiency  -  May 13, 2022 - By Better Buildings

The Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency can save energy and money, but energy-saving projects often yield additional, quantifiable benefits that are frequently omitted from energy efficiency assessments. This blog from the Better Buildings Beat Team uncovers five key areas of additional benefits from energy efficiency.

GHG Emissions  -  May 2, 2022 - By Lotte Schlegel, IMT

The Role of Buildings in the 2022 IPCC Report

Buildings contribute to approximately a third of U.S. emissions and 40% of global emissions, so we cannot meet consensus climate targets without transforming the buildings sector. In this column, Lotte Schlegel, Executive Director, IMT, explores critical lessons from the latest UN climate report and describes three ways to best advance building decarbonization while addressing social considerations.

GHG Emissions  -  April 22, 2022 - By Alexandra Failla, Smart Energy Decisions

Celebrating Earth Day with SED's 1st Sustainability Report

This Earth Day, Smart Energy Decisions is proud to be the first energy focused business-to-business media company to release its own Sustainability Report. In this column, SED's Alexandra Failla explains how we are showcasing progress across three key sustainability dimensions: environmental, social, and governance.

Energy Efficiency  -  April 18, 2022 - By Stephen Harper, Intel

Intel Makes Climate Change Commitment, Calls for Matching Federal Policy Ambition

Meeting the challenge of climate change will require nothing short of a reinvention of how we produce and consume energy. This column from Stephen Harper, Intel's Senior Director of Environment and Energy Policy, explains why aggressive actions by private and public sectors are required.

GHG Emissions  -  April 13, 2022 - By Wayne Balta, IBM

IBM - Continuing to make a positive environmental impact

Over the years, IBM’s environmental commitment has been steadfast and dependable across different eras and priorities and regardless of the topic’s relative popularity. In this column (accompanied by a video), Wayne Balta, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Product Safety, explores the release of IBM Impact – the company’s new framework for reporting on environmental, social, and governance matters — as the company continues to act upon 21 voluntary environmental goals announced in 2021.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  April 4, 2022 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy

Ford Motor Company: Dearborn Campus Uses Digital Twin Tool for Energy Plant Management

At Ford’s Dearborn Research and Engineering Campus Central Energy Plant (CEP), the digital twin helps operators and engineers manage energy and operational risks by monitoring the CEP’s energy systems, including the combined heat and power (CHP) system, heat recovery chillers, electric centrifugal chillers, thermal energy storage, and other equipment. This column from the Department of Energy's Better Buildings explores how the design and construction of the CEP ensure that campus building upgrades followed specific sustainability principles.

GHG Emissions  -  April 1, 2022 - By Cliff Majersik, IMT

SEC Takes Historic Step Forward on Climate Transparency

In a major step forward for transparency, the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed on March 21 that public companies be required to publish their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this column, Cliff Majersik, IMT's Senior Advisor, Policy and Programs, outlines the real estate implications of this proposed rule on climate risk disclosure

March 23, 2022 - By Vic Shao, AMPLY Power

Navigating the Electric Charging Infrastructure Landscape for EV Fleets

The electrification of large-scale fleets is an important solution to reduce carbon emissions, as on-road transportation is the largest single contributor to GHG emissions. In this column from Vic Shao, CEO of Amply Power, explains how Innovative and economical EV solutions can help accelerate the transition to fleet electrification.
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