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Expert Columns

GHG Emissions  -  August 25, 2021 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy

Decarbonizing Kitchens: Opportunities for the Food Service Sector

As the public and private sectors pursue organization-wide goals for reducing GHG emissions, commercial food service kitchens and restaurants face multiple challenges: identifying new opportunities to improve energy efficiency while adhering to changing local and state regulations supporting electrification and decarbonization. This column from Better Buildings shows how operators like The Wendy's Company are finding success with a steady approach.

GHG Emissions  -  August 18, 2021 - By The Energy & Climate Practice at 3Degrees

Journey to Zero: Four Key Action Areas to Achieve Net Zero Emissions

To address the growing climate crisis, more organizations are setting climate goals, such as net zero, carbon neutrality, or SBTi goals. But committing to reach net zero emissions and executing on climate goals are two very different things. This column from the Energy & Climate Practice at 3Degrees outlines four key action areas to help companies get started on their journey to zero.

August 16, 2021 - By Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy Economy

Charting a Path for Voluntary Renewable Energy Buyers as States Set 100% Clean Energy Targets

Voluntary renewable energy buyers ranging from large companies to universities to municipalities have unquestionably accelerated the transition to a cleaner grid - but what is the role of the voluntary markets moving forward? In this column, Caitlin Marquis of AEE explains concerns that could crop up if compliance targets fail to take the voluntary market into account

August 13, 2021 - By Pierre Delforge, NRDC

California Forging Ahead on Zero Emission Buildings

Hopeful climate news came from Sacramento, CA as the California Energy Commission (CEC) took a major stride toward zero-carbon emissions buildings in the 2022 update of the statewide building energy code. In this column from NRDC's Pierre Delforge, learn about the clean energy and energy efficiency improvements, opportunities to save money, and why California's building code matters.

GHG Emissions  -  July 30, 2021 - By Audi Banny, IMT

Decarbonizing New York’s Inefficient Buildings

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted every aspect of business and civic life in New York City, but it also offered a strange litmus test of building efficiency: what happens to energy use when offices are empty? This column from Audi Banny, Associate Director, Private Sector Engagement at IMT, explores the inefficiencies uncovered and how IMT partnered with leading New York organizations to dig deeper and find solutions.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  July 28, 2021 - By Danita Park, NRG

Becoming fluent in electric vehicle charging

While most of the 250 million registered vehicle owners have a mental framework based on the fossil refueling experience, nearly 2 million EV owners have learned a new language. In this column, Danita Park, Director, Commercial Development at NRG Energy, explains why becoming fluent in electric vehicle charging is not unlike learning a new way to speak and think.

July 16, 2021 - By Ashiss Kumar Dash, Infosys

How EVs will re-energize the energy sector

As countries around the world are actively working on reducing their carbon footprint and CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Climate Accord, electrification of transportation has risen as a key driver. In this column, Ashiss Kumar Dash warns that as governments and policymakers incentivize this transition for consumers, there are massive changes on the horizon that the energy industry needs to spot, analyze, and prepare for, to not be disrupted out of business.

Microgrids  -  June 7, 2021 - By Michael Robinson, PowerFlex

Microgrids: The Benefits of Your Own Private Island

In recent years, extreme weather events have resulted in power outages of increasing frequency, power, and duration across the country, driving up the cost of electricity and demonstrating the fragility of the utility grid. In this column from PowerFlex, Michael Robinson explains why microgrids are the ideal solution to create a sophisticated, resilient system that improves efficiencies, reduces fuel consumption, lowers GHG emissions, and saves money.

June 4, 2021 - By Anastasia Beckett, Metrus Energy

Funding Net-zero: Clarified and Simplified

The race to net zero is on with over 25% of S&P 500 companies making commitments to zero out their carbon emissions by 2050. In this column from Anastasia Beckett of Metrus Energy, learn how Sustainable Energy as a Service (SEaas) can simplify offerings, benefit customers, and accelerate the scale and scope of project implementation to meet those commitments.

May 26, 2021

Logitech Participates in LEAD on Climate 2021

The leaders at Logitech have joined CEOs and representatives from more than 80 companies to call for bold and urgent action on the climate crisis. In this column, Bracken Darrell, President and CEO, explains their reasons for joining and the significant steps the company has already taken to reduce its carbon footprint.

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