Vetter Adds Solar, Electrifies Systems - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial, Solar  -  May 14, 2024

Vetter Adds Solar, Electrifies Systems

Vetter, a contract development and manufacturing organization, announced that it achieved its sustainability goals for 2023 by becoming a member of SBTi, installing a photovoltaic array and electrifying systems.

The company also converted to hydrogen technology and converted a natural gas cogeneration plant into a biogas cogeneration plant. This upgrade resulted in 430 metric tons of CO2 emissions saved in 2023.

In 2024, Vetter plans to utilize waste heat potential and carbon-neutral nitrogen.

Vetter invested $1 million euros in the construction of a large photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof of its state-of-the-art materials warehouse at the Ravensburg West site in Germany. The PV system generates around 700,000 kWh of electricity annually, which equates to around 10% of the site's electricity consumption and reduces CO2 emissions by roughly 330 tons annually. The company also converted its natural gas cogeneration plant at the site  to biogas, which saves around 1,000 tons of CO2 annually.

The company joined SBTi at the end of 2023, an initiative that focuses on putting companies on track to halve their emissions by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve CO2 neutrality, Vetter needs to reduce its annual emissions by 4.2% by 2030.

The pharmaceutical service provider also achieved EcoVadis Platinum status last year, which pushes the company into the top 1% of participants in the globally renowned sustainability ranking. 

"We have made a very conscious decision to prioritize growing our sustainability goals dynamically in conjunction with the company's sustainable growth, and we publish status updates in a report that is accessible to everyone,” said Vetter Managing Director Thomas Otto in a statement. This transparency also strengthens our customers' trust in us and supports them in their own sustainability reporting."

Tags: Vetter

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