Commercial | Page 103 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial | Page 103

GHG Emissions  -  June 16, 2021

Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon and Others Urge SEC to Require Climate Disclosures

Alphabet, Amazon, Autodesk, eBay, Facebook, Intel and Salesforce issued a joint letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission signaling their support for a requirement that businesses regularly issue climate change disclosures.

GHG Emissions  -  June 15, 2021

Burberry Becomes First Luxury Brand to Pledge Climate Positive by 2040

Burberry announced June 10 that it is expanding on its net-zero target and is now aiming to be climate positive by 2040.

GHG Emissions  -  June 15, 2021

RIMES Reaches Lifetime Carbon Negativity with Offsets

RIMES Technologies announced June 15 that it has been certified as carbon negative and has offset all of its emissions since its creation in 1996.

Energy Efficiency  -  June 14, 2021

ISDI Uses Salesforce Tech to Track Energy at Paris Center

ISDI announced June 14 that it collaborated with Salesforce and Accenture to analyze its carbon footprint and reduce its environmental impact using data-driven emissions insights.

Energy Efficiency  -  June 14, 2021

Ski Industry Leaders Join Together on Climate Initiatives

The largest ski resort owners have created the Climate Collaborative Charter in an effort to combat climate change and address their respective greenhouse gas emissions.

GHG Emissions  -  June 11, 2021

Physicians Realty Targets 40% Emissions Drop by 2030

Physicians Realty Trust announced in its new sustainability report that it is committed to reducing emissions 40% from 2018 levels by 2030.

GHG Emissions  -  June 9, 2021

How to Kick-Start the Carbon Removal Market: Shopify's Playbook

Shopify spent the past year kick-starting the carbon removal market. Their greatest takeaway? More companies need to demonstrate demand to accelerate market growth. In their report, "How to Kick-Start the Carbon Removal Market: Shopify's Playbook" the company opens up its notebooks to share a successful approach to support this developing field.

GHG Emissions  -  June 3, 2021

Microsoft Collaborates on Zero Emissions Tech

Microsoft is teaming up with Williams to develop technology and innovation to support the zero-emissions transition.

Energy Efficiency  -  May 24, 2021 - By Audi Banny, IMT

5 Lessons from the 2021 Green Lease Leaders

A key solution to reducing costs and emissions is green leasing, which is increasingly gaining traction in commercial real estate. In this column from Audi Banny of the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), learn how this year's class of Green Lease leaders is providing a blueprint for how to scale this approach, even in difficult times.

May 24, 2021

Kilroy Realty Earns LEED Platinum for San Diego Office

Kilroy Realty Corporation announced May 19 that its 160,000-square-foot San Diego office development earned LEED Platinum certification thanks to various renewable energy and efficiency projects.

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