Commercial | Page 108 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial | Page 108

GHG Emissions  -  September 21, 2020

Morgan Stanley pursuing net zero financed emissions

Morgan Stanley announced Sept. 21 that they are committed to reaching net zero financed emissions by 2050 in order to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

GHG Emissions  -  September 18, 2020

AT&T to go carbon neutral by 2030

AT&T announced Sept. 17 that they are committed to being carbon neutral by 2035 and that they will be expanding their Climate Change Analysis Tool across the contiguous United States to identify the potential impact of climate change on the network and operations.

GHG Emissions  -  September 18, 2020

Kellogg Company exceeds emissions target one year early

Kellogg Company announced Sept. 16 that they exceeded their emissions goal a year ahead of schedule and reduced Scope 1 and 2 emissions by more than 28% since 2015.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 17, 2020

Kraft Heinz pursues 15% drop in energy use

Kraft Heinz announced in their newly released 2020 Environmental Social Governance Report that they plan to decrease energy use by 15% at a majority of manufacturing facilities globally by 2025.

GHG Emissions  -  September 17, 2020

Nespresso coffee to be fully carbon neutral by 2022

Nespresso announced Sept. 17 that they are committed to ensuring every cup of their coffee, for both at-home and professional customers, will be carbon neutral by 2022.

GHG Emissions  -  September 16, 2020

PwC to decarbonize operations and supply chain by 2030

PwC announced Sept. 15 that they plan to decarbonize their entire operations and supply chain and achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

Sourcing Renewables  -  September 16, 2020

Microsoft and bp team up on energy solutions innovation

Microsoft Corp. announced Sept. 15 a new partnership with bp to develop digital solutions for energy systems that advance both companies' net zero carbon goals.

September 15, 2020

Facebook to be net-zero in entire value chain by 2030

Facebook announced Sept. 14 a new target to achieve net-zero emissions in their entire value chain, including their suppliers and factors like business travel, by 2030.

GHG Emissions  -  September 14, 2020

Google retroactively offsets all carbon since founding

Google today announced that they will be eliminating their entire carbon legacy starting Sept. 14 and are committed to operating on 24/7 carbon-free energy in all their data centers and campuses worldwide by 2030.

GHG Emissions  -  September 11, 2020

Sony sets 2025 energy targets

Sony Corporation released Sept. 10 their Green Management 2025 plan, which includes medium-term targets to serve as milestones along their path toward a zero environmental footprint by 2050.

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