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Commercial | Page 134

GHG Emissions  -  January 21, 2020

Bank of America meets carbon neutrality goals early

Bank of America has achieved its carbon neutrality goal a year ahead of schedule through the reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions, purchasing 100% renewable electricity and buying carbon offsets for the remaining emissions.

GHG Emissions  -  January 20, 2020

Mastercard forms coalition for corporate carbon reduction

Mastercard announced Jan. 17 the Priceless Planet Coalition, which includes a slew of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint and uniting corporate sustainability efforts.

January 17, 2020

2020 Innovation Awards winners announced

Smart Energy Decisions has announced the winners of the third annual Innovation Awards competition, who were selected by an independent panel of judges. The winners will be honored at a reception and special dinner sponsored by ENGIE North America on March 11, capping off the Smart Energy Decisions’ 2020 Innovation Summit in Houston, Texas.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 17, 2020

Microsoft commits to being carbon negative by 2030

Microsoft committed to being carbon negative by 2030 and removing all the carbon it has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since 1975 before 2050 in a report released Jan. 16.

GHG Emissions  -  January 16, 2020

JPMorgan enlists blockchain to achieve RE goals

JPMorgan Chase is joining a project to use blockchain to achieve 100% renewable energy consumption by the end of 2020.

January 15, 2020 - By Enel X

Energy Market Outlook – What to expect in 2020 and beyond

Politics, regulations and extreme weather showed heightened influence over energy prices during the past decade – a trend sure to intensify with the 2020 elections and beyond. The 2020 Energy Market Outlook from Enel X provides actionable insights on regional supply and demand pressures, regulation, and energy innovation.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 14, 2020

Truman State Univ. banks $100K incentive for efficiency upgrades

Truman State University will be receiving around $100,00 in cash incentives through a program that included making energy efficiency upgrades to the Kirksville campus, which is expected to save the university more than $49,000 annually in energy cost

Energy Efficiency  -  January 13, 2020

Hall of Fame Ohio campus gets funding for energy efficiency boost

A multi-use sports, entertainment and media center for the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s campus in Canton, Ohio, will be undergoing a multimillion-dollar energy efficiency redesign through Constellation’s Efficiency Made Easy program.

GHG Emissions  -  January 6, 2020

JetBlue moves to offset all domestic flight emissions

JetBlue committed Jan. 6 to offset all emissions that result from jet fuel used on all domestic flights by investing in carbon offsets projects, such as forest conservation, Landfill Gas Capture and solar and wind projects.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 3, 2020

New Mexico to assess energy efficiency of leased office buildings

The state of New Mexico will begin to evaluate the environmental efforts and energy efficiency of buildings who are leasing office space, including recycling programs, eco-friendly cleaning products or the installation of solar power.

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