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Sourcing Renewables  -  August 29, 2016

Salesforce was at 37% renewables in FY'16 procured 37% of its electricity from clean and renewable sources in fiscal year 2016, according to the company's recently published sustainability report.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 27, 2016

Weekend reads: Cannabis and LEDs; a gasoline-powered car ban; DOE program under fire & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 26, 2016

Energy benchmarking pays off for NYC buildings

Mandated energy benchmarking has been useful in helping thousands of New York City buildings reduce energy use by 6% over the past three years, according to a new progress report.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 25, 2016

Quik Mart deploys LEDs, cuts lighting costs 77%

Quik Mart, an Arizona convenience store/gas station chain recently completed the replacement of existing fluorescent and HID interior/exterior lighting with solid-state LED lighting at 25 locations.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 24, 2016

Better Buildings launches new webinar series

The webinar series, which kicks off Sept. 13, features a new gang of expert speakers including representatives from Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. and Whole Foods Market Inc.

Commercial  -  August 23, 2016

Case study: Belk's 'seeing is believing' LED pilot

This case study features the Southern department store Belk and a LED retrofit pilot program that led to a broader energy efficiency rollouts across the company, including a redesign of their entire lighting infrastructure.

Energy Storage  -  August 23, 2016

IKEA expands rooftop solar, fuel cell portfolios

IKEA is expanding its use of fuel cell systems to the East Coast, announcing on Aug. 23 plans for a biomass-powered system at its store in New Haven, Conn.

Commercial  -  August 19, 2016

Kilroy Realty nabs 2 new LEED certifications

Real estate investment trust Kilroy Realty continues to push forward on sustainability.

Solar  -  August 16, 2016

Iron Mountain crushes 2015 corporate energy goals

The storage and information management services company slashed energy use 12% while increasing its use of renewable energy sixfold in 2015, according to its new corporate responsibility report, which also details its successes in utilizing solar.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  August 16, 2016

DOE, India announce $30M smart grid, storage research fund

The U.S. Department of Energy on Aug. 10 announced it has partnered with India in a $30 million investment to support joint research on smart grid and energy storage.

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