Energy Efficiency | Page 194
Energy Efficiency - June 1, 2021
WEX Aims to Cut Energy Use by Reducing Data Center Locations
WEX plans to reduce its data centers from 28 to seven locations by the end of 2022 as a way to improve infrastructure resiliency and energy efficiency through the consolidation into public cloud service providers.
GHG Emissions - May 28, 2021
Arkansas School District to Fund Teacher Raises With Energy Savings
Farmington Public Schools in Arkansas approved May 24 a $3,881,804 Energy Savings Performance Contract for energy upgrades that should reduce annual energy costs by nearly $300,000.
Energy Efficiency - May 28, 2021
Low-Income Housing Communities in Calif. Receive $150,000 in Energy Upgrades
Four affordable housing communities owned by LA Family Housing recently underwent $150,000 worth of energy efficiency upgrades.
Energy Efficiency - May 27, 2021
City of La Crosse Proceeds With Next Phase of Energy Projects
The City of La Crosse, Wis., is launching the next phase of a sustainability project that will generate $7.98 million in total energy savings and reduce energy use by 35% over the next 20 years.
Energy Efficiency - May 24, 2021 - By Audi Banny, IMT
5 Lessons from the 2021 Green Lease Leaders
A key solution to reducing costs and emissions is green leasing, which is increasingly gaining traction in commercial real estate. In this column from Audi Banny of the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), learn how this year's class of Green Lease leaders is providing a blueprint for how to scale this approach, even in difficult times.
May 24, 2021
Kilroy Realty Earns LEED Platinum for San Diego Office
Kilroy Realty Corporation announced May 19 that its 160,000-square-foot San Diego office development earned LEED Platinum certification thanks to various renewable energy and efficiency projects.
GHG Emissions - May 21, 2021 - By Pat Gelsinger, CEO, Intel Corporation
A Letter from Intel's CEO
With the release of a new Corporate Responsibility Report, Pat Gelsinger, Intel Corporation's CEO, discusses the company's progress against its 2030 RISE strategy and corporate responsibility goals, plans for the coming years, and the limitless opportunities made possible by the magic of technology.
Sourcing Renewables - May 21, 2021
City of Milpitas Starts Smart City Energy & Water Savings Program
The City of Milpitas announced May 20 that construction started on a broad Smart City energy and water savings program expected to reduce utility consumption by more than 4.2 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and save more than $1.5 million for a lifetime savings of over $30 million.
Industrial - May 19, 2021 - By Arthur D. Little
With Sustainability Commitments on the Rise, Industrial Companies Must Think Outside the Box for Cost-Effective Solutions
It’s clear that an increasing number of industry leaders have taken the first steps toward carbon neutrality, while simultaneously optimizing their energy bill costs. Few, however, are well-advanced in their promises and actions. This column from management consultancy Arthur D. Little explores hurdles and options industrial and large commercial companies should consider in order to achieve their ambitions.
Energy Efficiency - May 18, 2021
DOE Celebrates Energy Wins from Better Buildings Initative
The U.S. DOE's Better Buildings Initiative saved $13.5 billion in energy costs and more than 130 million metric tons of carbon emissions in the past year.
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