Energy Efficiency | Page 213
Energy Efficiency - November 18, 2020
Colgate-Palmolive eyes net zero by 2040, 100% RE by 2030
Colgate-Palmolive announced Nov. 18 its sustainability strategy for 2025 and beyond, which includes a target to source 100% renewable electricity for its global operations by 2030 and achieve net zero carbon emissions globally by 2040.
Sourcing Renewables - November 18, 2020
Quebec government unveils massive green economy plan
The Government of Quebec announced Nov. 16 its massive "Plan for a Green Economy 2030," which has a budget of $6.7 billion CAD over five years and will focus heavily on the electrification of transportation and clean electricity to reduce its emissions output to only 54 million tons of CO2e by 2030.
November 16, 2020
Beyond the Meter Podcast - Episode 13: ESG Investing & Innovative Financing Models
Environmental, Social, and Governance factors (ESG's) refer to a set of standards that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. ESG's are increasing in importance and many companies are looking to ESGs to guide sustainability decisions and to prove their sustainability commitment to customers and stakeholders. Join us for this episode of Beyond the Meter as Cari Boyce, Katherine Neebe, and Doug Esamann join host John Failla to discuss the steps Duke Energy has taken and continues to take in the adoption and implementation of ESGs in moving toward its sustainability goals.
GHG Emissions - November 13, 2020
Black & Veatch commits to carbon neutrality in five years
Black & Veatch announced Nov. 12 that it is committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and to aligning its sustainability path with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
GHG Emissions - November 12, 2020
Wild West of net zero targeting called into question by new initiatives
Amid a growing number of net zero targets coming from large companies, there is an emerging need to set standards and common language in order for stakeholders to make sense of it all, a new study found.
Energy Efficiency - November 11, 2020
Minnesota town completes $2.5M energy efficiency project
The City of Virginia, Minn., announced Nov. 10 that it completed a citywide energy efficiency project financed by a $2.5 million Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) that will guarantee energy cost savings and reduce municipal energy consumption by approximately 21%.
Energy Efficiency - November 9, 2020
Knight-Swift looks to improving vehicle technology to achieve emissions goal
Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings reported in its new sustainability report that it is pursuing an interim target of a 5% reduction in emissions by 2025 along the way to its previously made target of a 50% reduction by 2035.
Sourcing Renewables - November 7, 2020
Weekend reads: Building efficiency in Virginia; How a glass shortage could threaten solar
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Energy Efficiency - November 4, 2020
South Carolina school district to save $28M through energy upgrades
Richland County School District in South Carolina announced Oct. 30 that it will be using an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) for efficiency upgrades that will save the district more than $28 million in energy costs over 20 years.
Energy Efficiency - November 4, 2020
Alberta companies to fund energy projects with government program
Small- and medium-sized commercial and industrial facilities in Alberta, Canada, will soon have the opportunity to take advantage of a $55 million fund from the government for energy efficiency upgrades.
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