Energy Efficiency | Page 296
April 6, 2018
Wynn Las Vegas data centers go 100% RE
Wynn Las Vegas announced that its IT infrastructure, housed at Switch's Core Campus data center in Las Vegas, is being powered by 100 percent renewable energy.
Wind - April 6, 2018
First U.S. floating wind farm planned for California
A consortium of five companies has been selected by the Redwood Coast Energy Authority in northern California to construct a 100-150 MW floating wind farm off the coast of Eureka, Calif.
Energy Efficiency - April 5, 2018
Albéa targets 15% efficiency improvement
Albéa, a beauty and personal care packaging company, plans to improve energy efficiency across its global facilities 15 percent by 2020 and improve sustainability reporting.
Energy Efficiency - April 4, 2018
Energy Star Awards for Sustained Excellence in Energy Management
The EPA has announced its 2018 Energy Star winners for Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence in Energy Management. This award recognizes those partners who have received Energy Star recognition for multiple years that have gone above and beyond
April 3, 2018
Apple, IKEA, Tesla among climate policy leaders
Apple, Ikea, Tesla, and Unilever are among the top 20 companies cited in the “A-List of Climate Policy Engagement” report of those leading in strategic lobbying for the ambitions of the Paris Agreement around the world.
Energy Efficiency - April 2, 2018 - By Kousuke Ito
Three Best Practices for Launching a Sustainability Program with Business Partners
As businesses look at transitioning to more sustainable practices, a top-down, bottom-up approach to going green can prove beneficial. For a true sustainable approach to business, sustainability must be ensconced within the company’s culture
Energy Efficiency - April 2, 2018
2018 Energy Star Award winners announced
The 2018 Energy Star Awards were announced by the EPA, recognizing a total of 163 winners among businesses and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements.
Energy Efficiency - April 2, 2018
Citi deal powers QTS data center
Global bank Citi announced a 10-year agreement to supply clean, renewable energy to a QTS Realty Trust data center in Irving, TX. The contract will provide renewable energy for 100% of the 54-acre, 700,000 sq. ft. data center’s power needs.
Regulation - March 31, 2018
Weekend reads: Why is Trump angry?; Wireless EV recharging coming soon & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web:
March 30, 2018
Infographic: Walmart's Project Gigaton in China
Walmart is bringing Project Gigaton to China. With the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its China value chain by 50 million metric tons by 2030, the company expects to enroll all of its export and domestic suppliers in China into this emissions reduction program
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