Energy Efficiency | Page 297 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency | Page 297

Regulation  -  March 30, 2018

Va. Supreme Court decision favors renewable energy shopping

The Virginia Supreme Court on Mar. 29 upheld a decision by state regulators that large electricity users seeking all-renewable power can shop for it without regard for a requirement that they give five years’ notice if they want to return to utility service

Energy Efficiency  -  March 30, 2018

NHL promotes sustainability achievements

The National Hockey League (NHL) reported a 1-percent reduction of energy consumption and a 2-percent reduction in CO2 emissions as part of its first NHL Green month, celebrating their ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability.

GHG Emissions  -  March 29, 2018

Walmart brings Project Gigaton to China

Walmart announced on Mar. 29 the launch of Project Gigaton in China, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its China value chain by 50 million metric tons by 2030. The company expects to enroll all of its export and domestic suppliers in China

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 29, 2018

Chula Vista premieres EV fleet and charging stations

The City of Chula Vista, Calif. unveiled a fleet of new electric vehicles and an array of EV charging stations at City Hall. The program was created in a partnership between the city and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) in order to accelerate clean transportation

Energy Efficiency  -  March 28, 2018

Infographic & Video: Data Driven—Advancing a sustainable future

The amount of data created doubles every two years, with approximately 2% of the U.S.’s electrical energy going to data centers—more energy than most states use. This rapid growth is creating an expanding energy efficiency gap.

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 28, 2018

Colorado invests millions in EV charging stations

Colorado air pollution officials finalized a plan to spend a total of $68.7 million on electric and alternative-fuel vehicles as a way to cut car and truck pollution across the state, including $10.3 million specifically for EV charging stations

Energy Efficiency  -  March 27, 2018

FedEx orders Tesla Semi electric trucks

FedEx announced on Mar. 26 that it has placed a reservation for 20 Tesla semi fully-electric trucks. The trucks, scheduled to begin production in 2019 will be operated by FedEx Freight, its less-than-truckload unit.

GHG Emissions  -  March 26, 2018

Nestlé moves closer to GHG, RE goals

Nestlé reported that the company has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by over 30% in the last 10 years and has achieved an overall reduction of 26.5% in manufacturing operations vs. 2010. The company remains on track to achieve their 2030 goal of zero environmental impact in all operations.

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 23, 2018

H5 Data Centers Expands RE with RECs

H5 Data Centers, a national colocation and wholesale data center provider, on Mar. 23 announced the purchase of RECS to offset 100% of the energy consumption at its Cleveland data center.

Demand Management  -  March 23, 2018

Research finds utilities ill-prepared for EV demand

As the use of electric vehicles (EV) grows, how and when these zero-emission vehicles are charged will be critical. Yet research from the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) shows that most utilities are only in the very early stages of preparing

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