Energy Efficiency | Page 318
Energy Efficiency - August 3, 2017 - By Ryan Prestel
Myth busters: Is efficiency possible in old buildings?
Ryan Prestel, CEO and co-founder of JadeTrack, a sustainability management software platform, offers examples of how you can succeed in your energy efficiency and sustainability goals no matter how old your building is.
Energy Efficiency - August 2, 2017
Carestream cuts energy use 21%, earns state award
Carestream, a manufacturer of dental and medical imaging systems, has been recognized with a Colorado Industrial Energy Efficiency award for its manufacturing plant in Windsor, Colo.
Energy Efficiency - August 2, 2017
Solar helps Target reduce energy use
In its 2016 corporate sustainability report, Target announced that it reduced energy intensity in stores by 2.32% since 2010 and achieved Energy Star certification in 76% of its buildings.
Energy Efficiency - August 1, 2017
IBM cuts annual energy use by 5.3%
In 2016, IBM made significant strides in reducing its energy use and carbon emissions through a series of energy conservation projects that delivered annual savings equal to 5.3% of its total energy use, according to its newly released 2016 sustainability report.
Sourcing Renewables - July 28, 2017
JPMorgan Chase announces 100% RE goal
JPMorgan Chase announced July 28 its goal to rely on 100% renewable energy by 2020 and to facilitate $200 billion in clean energy financing through 2025 to support its clients' own sustainability projects.
July 28, 2017
Roanoke Cement receives 11th Energy Star certification
Roanoke Cement Company's Troutville, Va., plant received its 11th consecutive U.S. EPA Energy Star certification on July 20 for its energy reduction in manufacturing over recent years.
Energy Efficiency - July 26, 2017 - By Andrew Klein
What businesses can learn about energy use – and savings – during the dog days of summer
This column from Andrew Klein, an energy systems engineer at FirstFuel Software, offers solutions for businesses to optimize their energy consumption and make minor changes to reduce their energy use in office spaces to see big savings during the hottest months of the year.
Solar - July 26, 2017
UVA teams up on Virginia solar farm
The University of Virginia announced July 20 that it signed a 25-year agreement with a proposed 120-acre solar facility in Virginia to purchase all the power generated on the solar farm to contribute to its electricity use on campus.
Microgrids - July 25, 2017
DOE, Panasonic, Xcel team up on smart-city development
The U.S. DOE announced July 21 that it is teaming up with Xcel Energy and Panasonic on Peña Station NEXT, a smart-city mixed use facility in Denver, Colo.
July 25, 2017
7-Eleven, Chevrolet awarded for efficiency successes
7-Eleven was chosen July 20 to receive an award for its energy consumption reduction and improved efficiency by the 2017 Alliance to Save Energy Stars of Energy Efficiency program.
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