Energy Efficiency | Page 330 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency | Page 330

Energy Efficiency  -  November 10, 2016

CEMEX teaches old cement plant new tricks

The company's 100-year-old cement plant in California has been recognized by Energy Star and the Wildlife Habitat Council for its energy efficiency reductions and other sustainability measures.

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 7, 2016

Microsoft outlines data center clean energy goals

Toward its goal of powering its data centers with 50% renewable energy by the end of 2018, Microsoft has said it got 44% of the way there in fiscal 2016.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 7, 2016

Case study: Custom coating company deploys $1M in energy efficiency upgrades

In this case study presented by Constellation, the team outlines how the team helped an Illinois-based powder coating and E-coating industry veteran implement $1 million in energy efficiency upgrades with no upfront capital investment.

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 4, 2016

Wal-Mart narrows renewable energy goals for 2025

Ten years after Wal-Mart rolled out three broad environmental sustainability, including a commitment to powering its operations with 100% renewable energy, the company included some specific timetables in a Nov. 4 announcement.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 4, 2016

Detroit offers businesses $7k for efficiency upgrades

The city of Detroit and the electric utility that serves it, DTE Electric Co., have teamed up to make the business case for installing energy saving equipment even more convincing for local businesses.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 3, 2016

KKR recognizes portfolio company for efficiency

Part of the global investment firm's efforts to support environmental initiatives at its portfolio companies, KKR on Nov. 2 announced the winner of its first internal "eco awards" program.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 2, 2016 - By Bob Hinkle

Energy efficiency is dead. Long live energy efficiency.

All market indicators point to a prosperous new reign of energy efficiency. However, in order to keep its crown, the efficiency market must include financing solutions that sell efficiency as a service.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 2, 2016

Massive efficiency retrofit expected to save $1M in energy costs for New England auto parts plant

After undertaking a massive energy efficiency retrofit, a New Hampshire automotive parts plant is expecting savings of more than $1.1 million per year in energy costs.

Demand Management  -  November 1, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak

Executives: Coalescence of market factors beg new corporate energy management strategies

At the convergence of technology advancements and an increasing level of interest in corporate sustainability, many of world's largest businesses have taken a closer eye at their energy management strategies than ever before.

Energy Storage  -  October 31, 2016

Panasonic to install solar-plus-storage system

Panasonic has reached an agreement for the development and installation of a solar-plus-storage system at its Denver operations hub.

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