Energy Storage | Page 40 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Storage | Page 40

CHP  -  August 10, 2017 - By Megan Corsano

UK university implements biofuel CHP plant

A university in the U.K. recently implemented a biofuel combined heat and power plant focused on creating flexibility behind the meter, allowing customers to be more in control of how they use their own power, in what the team behind the project calls an “energy system of the future.”

Energy Storage  -  August 3, 2017

IKEA offers solar energy storage to UK customers

IKEA has announced plans to roll out a whole new offering to homeowners: Energy storage.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 2, 2017

Solar helps Target reduce energy use

In its 2016 corporate sustainability report, Target announced that it reduced energy intensity in stores by 2.32% since 2010 and achieved Energy Star certification in 76% of its buildings.

Energy Storage  -  August 1, 2017

Google's X develops new storage technology

Alphabet Inc.'s signature research lab, known as X, is reportedly working on a new energy storage technology using salt and antifreeze.

Sourcing Renewables  -  July 28, 2017

JPMorgan Chase announces 100% RE goal

JPMorgan Chase announced July 28 its goal to rely on 100% renewable energy by 2020 and to facilitate $200 billion in clean energy financing through 2025 to support its clients' own sustainability projects.

Demand Management  -  July 24, 2017

Innovation Summit Survey 2017: Trends and strategies in corporate energy management and renewables

This exclusive Smart Energy Decisions report explores the findings of a 2017 survey of large commercial and industrial energy users regarding their near-term corporate energy management and renewable energy sourcing plans amid an increasingly daunting landscape. 

Solar  -  July 22, 2017

Weekend reads: Elon Musk's hyperloop; House approves EPA cuts; Michigan solar + storage & more

Kick back with these must-read energy news stories from around the web.

Solar  -  June 26, 2017

California university installs 2nd solar project

In attempts to align with their sustainability goals, the University of California, Merced, is installing a 5-MW solar power system, which will be the university's second system on campus.

Energy Storage  -  June 19, 2017

Navigant: Hybrid advanced battery use on the rise

A new report from Navigant Research examines the global market for utility-scale and customer-sited hybrid energy storage systems, providing forecasts for power capacity, energy capacity and revenue.

Energy Storage  -  June 17, 2017

Weekend reads: IOUs caution DOE on grid study; 'self-healing' batteries; Brooklyn's microgrid craze & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

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