GHG Emissions | Page 321 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions | Page 321

GHG Emissions  -  January 29, 2021

General Motors plans for carbon neutrality by 2040

GM announced on Jan. 28 that it plans to become carbon neutral in its global products and operations by 2035, eliminating tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2040. To reach its goals, GM has committed to science-based targets, signed the Business Ambition Pledge for 1.5⁰C, and plans to source renewable energy and leverage minimal offsets or credits.

GHG Emissions  -  January 28, 2021

New Jersey expands EV charging

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities announced on Jan. 27 that it approved a settlement to develop electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the state. Cars, trucks and buses are the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey.

Solar  -  January 28, 2021

Solar array covers 100% of the University of Richmond's power needs

The University of Richmond (UR) announced on Jan. 27 that its new Spider Solar project is online. This makes UR one of only two higher education institutions in the U.S., and the first in the Southeast, to match 100% of its electricity needs with a single solar power source. 

Solar  -  January 28, 2021

CyrusOne powers Texas data centers with renewables

CyrusOne, a global data center real estate investment trust, announced on Jan. 26 that the company will purchase renewable energy to power two of its data centers in Texas.

Regulation  -  January 27, 2021

Biden signs executive actions on climate change

President Biden signed a series of executive orders on January 27 to establish climate change as a foreign policy and national security priority and to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies in favor of clean energy technologies.

GHG Emissions  -  January 27, 2021

Scotch Whisky commits to reaching net-zero emissions by 2040

The Scotch Whisky industry announced on Jan. 25 that it launched a new sustainability strategy in an effort to dramatically reduce the environmental impact of Scotland’s national drink.

Solar  -  January 26, 2021

Celanese extends PPA to include solar energy

Celanese Corporation, a global chemical and specialty materials company, announced on Jan. 26 that it has extended a contract to incorporate a solar power component into the electricity supply mix for its acetyl intermediates chemical manufacturing facility.

GHG Emissions  -  January 26, 2021

Akamai Technologies reduced emissions in spite of growth

Global tech company Akamai Technologies announced on Jan. 25 that it has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by sourcing more renewable energy. While 2020 traffic on the Akamai platform increased, Akamai's greenhouse gas emissions decreased.

GHG Emissions  -  January 26, 2021

Mastercard commits to net-zero emissions

Mastercard announced on Jan. 26 that it has pledged to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 by decarbonizing its operations and supply chains.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 25, 2021 - By Tanya March, Envizi

Tackle energy efficiency projects with no upfront costs

Following up on Envizi's webinar, "Optimizing the Low Carbon Pathway," this column from Tanya March, SVP North America, continues the discussion with key considerations to understand creative financing options in order to make best practices a reality.

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