GHG Emissions | Page 382
September 17, 2018
21 companies sign Step Up Declaration
Twenty-one companies have joined to launch the Step Up Declaration, an alliance dedicated to harnessing the power of emerging technologies and the fourth industrial revolution to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all economic sectors and ensure a climate turning point by 2020.
September 14, 2018
Walmart's 2018 Global Responsibility Report Summary
Walmart's 2018 Global Responsibility Report Summary highlights progress made by the company in the past year, led by the company's groundbreaking Project Gigaton, which has been called "corporate America's moon shot."
GHG Emissions - September 14, 2018
Kilroy Realty to be carbon neutral by 2020
Kilroy Realty Corporation (KRC) announced its commitment to achieving carbon neutral operations by year end 2020. Through programs instituted by the company, KRC will reach Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon neutrality, exceeding its goals previously validated by Science-Based Targets.
GHG Emissions - September 13, 2018
United Airlines pledges 50% GHG cut by 2050
United Airlines announced on Sept. 13 a commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050 from a 2005 baseline, the equivalent of removing 4.5 million vehicles from the road each year.
GHG Emissions - September 12, 2018
JM Smucker nears goal of 10% GHG reduction
The J.M. Smucker Company announced a 9.9% decline in absolute GHG emissions in 2017 from a 2014 baseline, while GHG emissions intensity was reduced by 7%.
Sourcing Renewables - September 10, 2018
Kaiser Permanente signs PPA to hit carbon neutrality by 2020
Kaiser Permanente announced on September 10 that it will become the largest renewable energy purchaser in the U.S. healthcare sector with the signing of a PPA for 180 MW of clean energy. The purchase will also enable the company to achieve its goal of being carbon neutral in 2020.
Solar - September 7, 2018
Ingersoll Rand premieres solar at N.J. plant
Ingersoll Rand new solar array is now online at its 430,000 square-foot manufacturing plant in Trenton, N.J. The 1,990 kW GE Solar PV power system will provide 49M kWh of power and is expected to reduce nearly 35,600 metric tons of GHG emissions over the 20-year lifespan of the system.
September 4, 2018
Kimberly-Clark invests $150 million for energy efficiency
Kimberly-Clark Corp. will invest $150 million on infrastructure upgrades including the installation of a natural gas-fired plant that will replace a coal-fired co-generation power plant at its Chester, Pa. facility. The new plant is expected to be more energy efficient and will reduce emissions.
Sourcing Renewables - August 29, 2018
Facebook sets 100% RE goal for 2020
Facebook has committed to a 2020 deadline for reducing its GHG emissions by 75% and powering its global operation with 100% renewable energy. The company’s earlier goal of supporting 50% of its facilities with RE by 2018, set in 2015, was achieved one year early at 51% in 2017.
Solar - August 28, 2018
University of Richmond spins Spider Solar
The University of Richmond (UR) announced on August 27 that it will become the first institution of higher learning in the southeast to match 100% of its electricity needs with solar energy thanks to a PPA for a 20-megawatt solar energy facility known as Spider Solar, named for the school’s mascot.
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