GHG Emissions | Page 393 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions | Page 393

Energy Efficiency  -  September 27, 2017

CBRE skyscraper undergoes energy efficiency overhaul

For a skyscraper in the heart of the city the never sleeps, the importance of efficiently managing energy is hard to understate, particularly in light of new mandates from city hall for building owners to make sharp greenhouse gas reductions.

GHG Emissions  -  September 25, 2017

BNEF: Oil majors join C&I sector in cutting GHGs

It's no longer just the C&I sector of the economy that has ramped up its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions: According to a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the oil majors have also hopped on board.

Sourcing Renewables  -  September 13, 2017 - By Smart Energy Decisions Research

The state of corporate renewable energy sourcing

The unique data and analysis found in the report is only available in the two editions of this exclusive Smart Energy Decisions research report.

GHG Emissions  -  September 11, 2017

Coca-Cola improved energy efficiency 2% in 2016

Coca-Cola continues to make progress toward its "grow the business, not the carbon," emissions reduction goals, but it is off track due in part to volume growth outpacing emission ratio improvements.

GHG Emissions  -  September 7, 2017

Mars pledges $1B investment in sustainability

Virginia-based Mars Inc. on Sept. 5 made a bold corporate sustainability commitment, pledging to invest $1 billion over the next few years on its initiatives, including efforts to meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets through energy efficiency and using 100% renewable energy.

GHG Emissions  -  September 2, 2017

Weekend reads: Harvey's wind impact; states adopting carbon costs; Tim Cook on renewables & more

Kick back this holiday weekend with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

GHG Emissions  -  September 1, 2017

CBRE sets 1st ever GHG reduction target

Commercial real estate services and investment firm CBRE Group Inc. created its first global greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal in 2016.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 31, 2017

HanesBrands marks progress toward energy goals

Apparel company HanesBrands has outlined its energy reduction and renewable energy use targets alongside its latest disclosure of carbon emissions and related information to the CDP.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  August 30, 2017

IKEA continues EV charging station roll out

Part of its ongoing effort integrate sustainable energy solutions into its business, IKEA on Aug. 30 announced plans to deploy electric vehicle charging stations at its new store in Jacksonville, Fla. 

GHG Emissions  -  August 29, 2017

Ford details GHG reduction strategy, goals

Government policies, physical risks, market trends and investor concern are among the host of external factors driving Ford Motor Co.'s global climate strategy, which has already reduced CO2 emissions by 52% per vehicle produced.

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