Industrial | Page 114 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial | Page 114

Distributed Energy Resources  -  October 23, 2019 - By CPower

Leveraging Energy Assets to Help Sustain Resilience in the Healthcare Sector

More and more, managers at healthcare and other critical facilities are dedicating resources to behind-the-meter solutions in the pursuit of resilience. This white paper, presented by CPower, focuses on ways that these same behind-the-meter energy assets can provide significant savings, generate important revenue, and maximize the return on your investments.

Energy Efficiency  -  October 18, 2019

Honda plant reflects environmental commitment

Honda's Indiana manufacturing plant is an example of the company's commitment to preserving Blue Skies for Our Children by reducing the environmental impact of its products and factories. In this column, Honda explores how energy efficiency roots of the plant were built on lessons learned and how the company's philosophy is passed on throughout Honda's global operations.

Sourcing Renewables  -  October 17, 2019

Announcing Accelerate Philly and local Host Committee members

Registration is now live and the Host and Steering Committees announced for Accelerate Philly, a landmark regional clean energy conference to be held December 9-10 at the Logan Hotel in Philadelphia.

October 16, 2019

LevelTen Q3 2019 PPA Price Index Reveals Competition and Expiring Tax Credits as Main Driver on PPA Prices

LevelTen provides a quarterly in-depth look at PPA offer price averages submitted through the LevelTen Marketplace, for both wind and solar projects, in five independent system operator (ISO) regions. In addition to reporting on how much PPA offer prices have changed, they conducted a survey of renewable energy market developers with active projects in the LevelTen Marketplace to explore why prices changed.

Industrial  -  October 14, 2019

Owens Corning sets 2030 emissions and RE goals

Owens Corning set their target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and source 100% renewable energy as part of their 2030 sustainability goals announced Oct. 11.

Energy Efficiency  -  October 12, 2019

Weekend reads: Shell's emissions strategy; The world's most sustainable energy policies

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.

Industrial  -  October 11, 2019

Green Lease Leaders: How Industrial Building Owners Use the Lease to Optimize Sustainable Business Practices

As building efficiency efforts have progressed to more advanced and holistic approaches to meet ambitious climate and sustainability goals, green leases have evolved as well to enable their achievement. The newest edition of IMT and the DOE’s Better Buildings Alliance’s case study series shines a spotlight on 2019’s Green Lease Leaders implementing effective strategies into their leasing practices and overall building operations in industrial spaces. 

GHG Emissions  -  October 10, 2019

Cargill joins maritime partnership to cut shipping emissions

A collection of bulk shipping services companies joined together in a collaboration to accelerate the reduction of global greenhouse gases within the shipping industry alongside the International Maritime Organization's target to cut emissions 50% by 2050.

Microgrids  -  October 9, 2019

A Day Without Power: Outage Costs for Businesses

Frequent power outages are becoming an unfortunate norm for U.S. businesses. A 2018 survey found that one in four companies experience a power outage at least once a month. These outages are not mild inconveniences – the costs are quickly rising to be board room-level issues.

October 9, 2019

Distributed Energy Future Trends: The Insights Behind Sustainable Business Growth

What does it take to become a more sustainable, future-focused organization? A new report from Centrica Business Solutions explains what it means to be a sustainable business and the steps you can take to start your journey.

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