Industrial | Page 151 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial | Page 151

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 4, 2016

Wal-Mart narrows renewable energy goals for 2025

Ten years after Wal-Mart rolled out three broad environmental sustainability, including a commitment to powering its operations with 100% renewable energy, the company included some specific timetables in a Nov. 4 announcement.

GHG Emissions  -  November 4, 2016

Big oil firms launch $1B fund to reduce emissions

Ten of the world's largest oil and gas companies on Nov. 4 announced the creation of a joint fund aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with oil and gas production.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 3, 2016

KKR recognizes portfolio company for efficiency

Part of the global investment firm's efforts to support environmental initiatives at its portfolio companies, KKR on Nov. 2 announced the winner of its first internal "eco awards" program.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 2, 2016 - By Bob Hinkle

Energy efficiency is dead. Long live energy efficiency.

All market indicators point to a prosperous new reign of energy efficiency. However, in order to keep its crown, the efficiency market must include financing solutions that sell efficiency as a service.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 2, 2016

Massive efficiency retrofit expected to save $1M in energy costs for New England auto parts plant

After undertaking a massive energy efficiency retrofit, a New Hampshire automotive parts plant is expecting savings of more than $1.1 million per year in energy costs.

Energy Procurement  -  November 2, 2016

Case study: Large manufacturer saves $295k through customized power purchasing strategy

This case study presented by Direct Energy illustrates how plastics recycling and manufacturing company Ultra-Poly changed up its power purchasing strategy, made its operations more efficient and saved $295,000.

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 1, 2016

Amazon Web Services signs 4th US wind PPA

Amazon Web Services has signed a power purchase agreement for capacity from a new 189-MW wind farm being developed in Ohio.

Demand Management  -  November 1, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak

Executives: Coalescence of market factors beg new corporate energy management strategies

At the convergence of technology advancements and an increasing level of interest in corporate sustainability, many of world's largest businesses have taken a closer eye at their energy management strategies than ever before.

October 28, 2016

Emerging green tariffs in regulated utility markets

This World Resources Institute report, done in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, offers an updated list of emerging green tariff proposals and offerings for commercial and industrial customers in regulated markets in the United States.

Energy Efficiency  -  October 28, 2016

Lighting retrofit at Louisiana GE plant saves $32k

General Electric has completed the first of seven phases of energy efficiency retrofits planned for its Shreveport, La., plant.

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