Industrial | Page 157 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial | Page 157

Energy Storage  -  September 24, 2016

Weekend reads: Musk's solar roof; Trump vows deregulation; wave-powered electricity & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 23, 2016

1st Colorado C-PACE project receives financing

Financing has been obtained for Colorado's first Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE, project; the associated energy upgrades to a commercial and industrial property include a 100 kW rooftop solar array and LED lighting.

Industrial  -  September 22, 2016 - By Tom Murray

Walking the walk: Companies lead the call for clean truck standards

A number of America's most iconic brands helped pave the way for the new clean truck standards announced by the U.S. EPA and DOT.

GHG Emissions  -  September 22, 2016

Washington Gas slashes GHG, methane emissions

The regulated natural gas utility subsidiary of WGL Holdings said it has surpassed its 2020 greenhouse gas and methane emissions reduction goals.

Energy Procurement  -  September 21, 2016

Minnesota asks electric customers: Solar or biofuel?

Electricity regulators in a small Minnesota city are taking novel approach to clean energy planning, according to the local newspaper.

GHG Emissions  -  September 19, 2016

Washington adopts rule to cap large carbon emitters

Regulators in Washington state have adopted a new rule requiring businesses with large carbon emissions to cap and gradually reduce them over time.

Demand Management  -  September 19, 2016

SED to host Innovation Summit for energy execs

As part of its effort to serve the information needs of large commercial and industrial energy executives, Smart Energy Decisions on Sept. 19 announced the launch of its inaugural event: the Smart Energy Decisions Innovation Summit.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 14, 2016

In strategic energy management, efficiency 'just the beginning,' EDF says in 1st-of-its-kind report

Culling eight years of data from its Climate Corps program, the Environmental Defense Fund's new report on organizational energy management outlines key trends and recommendations for next steps, including case studies from corporate hosts including Comcast, Nestlé, Tiffany & Co. and Iron Mountain.

Industrial  -  September 14, 2016

New York unveils $10M in energy efficiency initiatives for industrial, manufacturing facilities

Funding supports clean energy projects at large and medium-size industrial facilities and is expected to yield more than $12 million in annual savings, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority said Sept. 12.

Industrial  -  September 13, 2016

FedEx Freight invests in CNG fleet, fueling station

FedEx Corp. subsidiary FedEx Freight has purchased more than 100 compressed natural gas tractors and installed a CNG fueling station to serve the new fleet at its service center in Oklahoma City.

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