Energy Management Articles | Page 192
July 7, 2023
Department of Energy Launches $1B Clean Hydrogen Initiative
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a Notice of Intent, including a Request for Information, to invest up to $1 billion in a demand-side initiative to support the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs).
Distributed Energy Resources - July 7, 2023
California Winery, Pennsylvania Hotel Add EV Charging
Foxen Vineyard and Winery in Santa Maria, California will add two EV charging stations.
GHG Emissions - July 7, 2023
Hexion Achieves 15% Emission Reduction
Hexion achieved a 15% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions against its 2017 baseline.
Sourcing Renewables - July 7, 2023
Catch up with Smart Energy Voices Podcast
It's a great time to catch up with episodes of Smart Energy Voices, an SED podcast series featuring conversations with leaders of the energy transition. In each episode, SED digs deep with industry movers and shakers to reveal insights you can learn from in their stories, personalities, and visions for the future of clean energy.
GHG Emissions - July 7, 2023
Phillips 66 Advanced Energy Efficiency Initiatives
Phillips 66, a diversified energy producer, advanced energy-efficiency initiatives and building the “refinery of the future” through investments in renewable fuels production at the Rodeo Renewed refinery in California, which is currently under construction, and the Humber Refinery in the U.K.
GHG Emissions - July 6, 2023
Cambridge Adopts Building Emissions Regulations
The City of Cambridge in Massachusetts mandated non-residential buildings reduce their GHG emissions with a net-zero requirement by 2035 for large buildings (larger than 100,000 square feet) and 2050 for mid-size buildings (100,000 square feet or smaller).
GHG Emissions - July 6, 2023
Berry Commits to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
Berry Global Group, Inc. commits to achieving net-zero emissions across its global operations and value chain by 2050.
Energy Storage - July 6, 2023
SCE Signs PPA for BESS
Southern California Edison (SCE), an electric utility, announced that it entered into a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the 126-megawatt Antelope Valley battery energy storage system (BESS ) facility in Kern County, California.
Solar - July 6, 2023
New York's Cayuga County Adds Solar Array
Cayuga County, New York added a 4.8-megawatt ground-mounted solar array as part of a community solar program.
Sourcing Renewables - July 5, 2023
Brookfield's Entire Office Portfolio to be Powered by Zero-Emissions Electricity
Brookfield Properties announced the entire U.S. office portfolio it manages will be powered by zero-emissions electricity by 2026.
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