Energy Management Articles | Page 199
Solar - June 15, 2023
Holcim Uses Solar at Michigan Plant
Holcim US announced its northeast Michigan cement plant will be powered by solar energy.
Solar - June 14, 2023
Krasdale Foods Adopts Solar System in NY
Krasdale Foods, a family-owned business providing grocery distribution, merchandising, and marketing to independent grocery store owners, added a solar installation to its operations in the Bronx, New York.
GHG Emissions - June 14, 2023
U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap
The DOE prepared the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap to identify key actions that enable successful market adoption of clean hydrogen technologies in support of a net-zero GHG emission economy by 2050. Read this report to explore key actions that enable successful market adoption of clean hydrogen in support of a net-zero economy.
GHG Emissions - June 14, 2023
US Steel Lowers Carbon Use
United States Steel Corporation’s construction of its second sustainable mini mill at Big River Steel Works made progress towards additional lower-carbon steelmaking.
June 14, 2023
UnitedHealth Group Conducts Scope 3 Review
UnitedHealth Group completed its first scope 3 assessment in 2022, which identified the most significant categories of emissions from purchased goods and services and investments.
Sourcing Renewables - June 14, 2023
Promega Commits to 100% RE
Promega Corporation commits to sourcing 100% of its global electricity usage from renewable sources by 2025.
GHG Emissions - June 13, 2023
Kimberly-Clark Drops Emissions by 42%
Kimberly-Clark lowered GHG emissions by 42% and saw a 9.4% energy efficiency improvement against a 2015 baseline by the end of 2022.
GHG Emissions - June 13, 2023
Rio Tinto Partners to Decarbonize Steel
Rio Tinto, an iron ore producer, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to explore several new projects in Australia and China to decarbonize the steel value chain.
GHG Emissions - June 13, 2023
atNorth’s Iceland Data Center Powered by RE
atNorth, a Nordic colocation, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence service provider, announced a third Iceland data center, ICE03, is now fully operational with an initial capacity of 10 MW.
Solar - June 13, 2023
BASF Signs Solar PPA in California
BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) announced that the energy usage at its site in Fremont, California is net-zero since 428 rooftop solar panels were installed.
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