Energy Management Articles | Page 210
Energy Efficiency - May 13, 2023
Weekend Reads: Nuclear Power Soars, Next Level Zero Energy Design
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
May 12, 2023
Microsoft's 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report
Microsoft’s 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report features a look at a company focused on getting its own house in order and delivering on its sustainability commitments.
GHG Emissions - May 12, 2023
Keysight Increases Use of RE, Lowers Energy Use
Keysight increased its global renewable electricity portfolio, including the installation of a 5.8 megawatt (MW) peak rooftop solar array at the company's largest facility in Penang, Malaysia.
Finance - May 12, 2023
BNP Paribas Withdraws From Financing Oil & Gas
French bank BNP Paribas will no longer provide any financing used for the development of new oil and gas fields as it continues to align its loan portfolio with a net zero emissions trajectory.
Finance - May 12, 2023
Emirates Creates $200 Million Aviation Sustainability Fund
Emirates, an international airline, announced it committed US$200 million to fund research and development projects focused on reducing the impact of fossil fuels in commercial aviation.
GHG Emissions - May 11, 2023
Yelp Creates Science-Based Reduction Plan
Yelp Inc., a company that connects customers with local businesses, set a goal to reach net zero by 2031.
GHG Emissions - May 11, 2023
Discover Targets 50% Emissions Reduction
Discover, a digital banking and payment services company established a goal to lower its Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 50% from the 2017 baseline by 2030.
Finance - May 11, 2023
Verizon Issues Fifth $1 Billion Green Bond
Verizon Communications Inc. settled its fifth green bond offering of $1 billion with proceeds going toward renewable energy investments.
Sourcing Renewables - May 11, 2023
Microsoft to Use Power From Fusion Plant
Microsoft will adopt the use of electricity from a fusion power plant that is expected to generate 50 MW or more.
GHG Emissions - May 10, 2023
Granite Improves Energy Efficiency at Facilities
Granite, a construction and construction materials company, invested $6.1 million throughout the company to lower emissions and improve energy efficiency at its materials facilities.
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