Energy Management Articles | Page 309
Sourcing Renewables - June 23, 2022
Google Achieves 66% Carbon-Free Electricity
Google operated at 66% CFE in 2021, which was 5% higher than 2019, but 1% lower than 2020.
Solar - June 22, 2022
LEGO Group to Build Carbon-Neutral Factory
The LEGO Group announced plans to invest more than $1 billion to build a new carbon-neutral factory in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
June 22, 2022 - By Amy Bond (T-Mobile) and Cheryl Comer (Duke Energy)
A Letter from Diversity in Clean Energy (DiCE)
In this letter to the Clean Energy Industry, Amy Bond of T-Mobile and Cheryl Comer of Duke Energy introduce Diversity in Clean Energy (DiCE), an action-based coalition working to advocate, utilize, and open doors of opportunity for diverse-owned businesses that operate within the clean energy value chain through collaborative efforts and collective influence.
Solar - June 22, 2022
Pueblo, Colorado to Add Community Solar
The greater Pueblo, Colorado region will receive a community solar garden that will power over 600 homes annually. The 2MW and 500 KW solar gardens will serve businesses, residents, municipalities, and low- to moderate-income service organizations.
Energy Efficiency - June 22, 2022
Balt. City Schools Finish Phase 1 of Efficiency Project
The Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) finished its first phase of a $3.5 million energy conservation project.
Solar - June 22, 2022
T-Mobile Launches Minnesota Community Solar Gardens
T-Mobile announced 14 new one-megawatt community solar gardens to generate renewable energy and provide energy cost savings to T-Mobile locations across seven Minnesota counties.
Distributed Energy Resources - June 21, 2022
FedEx Receives Electric Vehicles
FedEx Corp. announced it has received its first 150 electric delivery vehicles throughout southern California to FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp.
GHG Emissions - June 21, 2022
Badger Meter Sets 2030 Goal
Badger Meter, Inc. established a baseline GHG emissions intensity rate in 2020 and a 15% intensity reduction target by 2030 with detailed plans to meet that goal.
GHG Emissions - June 21, 2022
WSP Updates Emission Progress
WSP reduced its Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 15% in 2021 compared to a 2018 baseline.
June 21, 2022
Shell, Accenture, Amex Launch SAF Software
Shell, Accenture and American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) announce the launch of Avelia, a blockchain-powered digital sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) book-and-claim solutions for business travel.
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