Energy Management Articles | Page 350
GHG Emissions - February 3, 2022
Tarkett Sets GHG Goals for 2030
Tarkett’s goals include reductions in GHG emissions from its own activities (Scope 1) and its purchased energy (Scope 2) as well as those arising from the rest of its value chain from suppliers to end customers (Scope 3).
GHG Emissions - February 3, 2022
JetBlue and Salesforce Launch Sustainable Travel Program
JetBlue and Salesforce announced a new partnership that will leverage travel data and technology. The program will include several options to help corporate travel customers reduce their business travel emissions.
Demand Management - February 2, 2022 - By NRG Editorial Voices
Energy is complex — the right partner can bring simplicity and value
Like most products, getting the best value from your electricity approach involves more than a low price. In an age of more frequent and severe weather events, grid capacity concerns, and energy price volatility, an all-encompassing strategy from a knowledgeable energy partner is vital. This blog from NRG Energy explains how.
February 2, 2022
BMW Uses More Low Carbon Steel
The BMW Group continues to reduce CO2 emissions in its supplier network and signed a corresponding agreement with Salzgitter AG for delivery of low-carbon steel that will be used in standard production of cars.
February 2, 2022
Iron Mountain to Transition to EVs by 2030
Iron Mountain has committed to transitioning 100% of company cars and 50% of vans to EVs by 2030, as part of EV100. As an initial step, the company has committed to converting 10% of its worldwide fleet to EV by 2025.
GHG Emissions - February 2, 2022
Constellation Launches as Standalone Company
Constellation announced its launch as a standalone, publicly traded company following the completion of its separation from Exelon Corp.
GHG Emissions - February 2, 2022
Corporate Clean Energy Buying Passes 30GW
Corporations bought a record 31.1 gigawatts of clean energy through PPAs in 2021, up nearly 24% from the previous year’s record of 25.1 GW according to a report by research firm BloombergNEF (BNEF).
GHG Emissions - February 2, 2022
Coty Starts Producing Carbon-captured Ethanol Fragrances
Coty Inc. announced it has started production of the world’s first globally distributed fragrances made using carbon-captured ethanol.
Sourcing Renewables - February 1, 2022
T-Mobile Reaches 100% RE Use
T-Mobile announced Jan. 31 that it achieved its goal of being the first U.S. wireless provider to source 100% of its total electricity usage from renewable sources by the end of 2021.
GHG Emissions - February 1, 2022
Montreal Transit System Adds Fuel-Efficient Trains to Fleet
Montreal's public transportation network will soon be adding 10 modern, fuel-efficient locomotives capable of running on biodiesel to its train fleet.
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