Energy Management Articles | Page 478
Sourcing Renewables - September 10, 2020
Walmart launches supplier renewable energy program
Walmart announced Sept. 10 their newest project, the Gigaton PPA Program, which will provide the superstore giant’s U.S.-based suppliers with increased access to renewable energy opportunities.
Energy Efficiency - September 10, 2020
Fort Bragg plans energy improvements, solar installation
The U.S. Army announced Sept. 3 that it will be implementing power generation and facility efficiency improvements at Fort Bragg through a utility energy service contract.
GHG Emissions - September 10, 2020
Lenovo targets 50% emissions cuts by 2030
Lenovo announced Sept. 2 their new target of reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 after exceeding their previous emissions goal last year
Sourcing Renewables - September 9, 2020
December RE Sourcing Forum to expand Virtual Advantages
Smart Energy Decisions announces that the 6th Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum will shift into Virtual mode and take place December 7-11, 2020.
GHG Emissions - September 9, 2020
Uber plans transition to become zero-emission platform by 2040
Uber announced Sept. 8 their new sustainability initiatives, which include a commitment to becoming a fully zero-emission platform by 2040.
Distributed Energy Resources - September 9, 2020
Empower your business with energy expertise
When making energy decisions, many Texas businesses think about competitive supply and distributed energy resources (DERs) separately. And until now, the approach made sense. But it may no longer be the most practical or cost-effective game plan. This white paper produced by NRG introduces a new approach, a cohesive and flexible energy strategy that bundles and coordinates your competitive supply and DERs. Managing these resources together achieves price benefits beyond their individual values.
Solar - September 9, 2020
Facebook inks PPA with Utah solar
Facebook completed Sept. 9 a PPA for two Utah solar projects totaling 155 MW that will support the company’s Eagle Mountain Data Center.
Wind - September 9, 2020
Maryland water utility to offset energy use 30% with wind farm
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) announced Sept. 8 that it has entered into an agreement that will offset their energy usage through 2030 with power and RECs from a 50 MW wind facility.
Sourcing Renewables - September 9, 2020
Smart Energy Voices Podcast: Episode 4 - The Purpose Driven Organization
It’s not uncommon these days to hear talk of businesses, large and small, developing a purpose statement that has to do with its societal responsibility. Why is that and how should business leaders think about it? But a more important question is this: How does the issue of organizational purpose magnify and support what is happening in the renewable energy movement? To answer that question, Smart Energy Decisions founder, John Failla invited author and consumer expert Jeff Fromm to discuss the issue, along with David Smart, Sr. Vice President of Sales and Marketing at BioStar Renewables, a company that’s taking this issue of “purpose” very seriously with Jeff’s help.
Distributed Energy Resources - September 9, 2020
Bundling Competitive Supply and Distributed Energy Resources
When making energy decisions, many Texas businesses think about competitive supply and distributed energy resources (DERs) separately. And until now, the approach made sense. But it may no longer be the most practical or cost-effective game plan. This white paper produced by NRG introduces a new approach, a cohesive and flexible energy strategy that bundles and coordinates your competitive supply and DERs.
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