Energy Management Articles | Page 741
Energy Efficiency - August 12, 2016
Arby's, Legrand, Volvo talk efficiency in video series
Watch representatives from Arby's, Connecticut Green Bank, Legrand and Volvo pitch their energy efficiency goals in this new video series from the U.S. DOE's Better Buildings Challenge.
August 12, 2016
Executives from Celanese, GM, Whole Foods join Smart Energy Decisions advisory board
Three new Smart Energy Decisions advisory board members join the eight original members in helping to identify, define and advance industry best practices in energy efficiency and renewable energy sourcing.
Commercial - August 11, 2016
KKR launches award program for eco initiatives
Global investment firm KKR will recognize environmental projects, including energy use reduction initiatives, from participating portfolio companies across asset classes including private equity, special situations, real estate and infrastructure.
Energy Efficiency - August 11, 2016
Real estate firm targets efficiency with pilot program
Hawaii's fourth-largest landowner, real estate company A&B Properties, has embarked on a two-month pilot program to identify energy efficiency initiatives for its commercial assets in the state.
Distributed Generation - August 10, 2016
GM installs 850 kW solar array at Corvette site
GM says the project reinforces the message that renewable energy is a sustainable and affordable choice for manufacturing.
GHG Emissions - August 10, 2016
Norfolk Southern reports energy, emissions reductions
Transportation giant Norfolk Southern on Aug. 9 outlined a series of accomplishments aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including lighting upgrades expected to deliver $2.1M in annual savings.
Wind - August 9, 2016
Massachusetts law will increase use of wind, hydro
A new Massachusetts law, signed by Republican Gov. Charlie Baker on Aug. 8, calls for an increase in the amount of renewable energy, especially wind and hydro, used in the state.
Industrial - August 9, 2016
Ford slashes energy use with new production line
Ford Motor Co. has rolled out a new production line for its Ford EcoBlue diesel engine that is expected to cut energy use by 50% and is powered by wind.
Commercial - August 8, 2016
GE unveils energy savvy design, 'solar veil' for new HQ
General Electric recently released detailed plans for its new global headquarters campus in Boston that includes a massive photovoltaic "solar veil."
Energy Efficiency - August 8, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
Toyota North America cuts energy intensity 5%
Toyota's North American manufacturing division has achieved cost savings of more than $640 million since 2002 through its management strategy.
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