Energy Management Articles | Page 752
Energy Procurement - June 8, 2016
Toyota enters new 5-year supply deal with onsite solar provisions for North American HQ
Toyota Motor has activated a unique retail electricity supply contract, with provisions for both onsite and offsite renewable power, for its new North American headquarters.
Sourcing Renewables - June 8, 2016
Amazon touts new, innovative agreement with Dominion for renewable energy
Amazon Web Services recently discussed details behind a new, "first-of-its-kind" agreement with its utility that will help advance the use of renewable power at its data centers.
Sourcing Renewables - June 8, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
Views from the top: Inside Microsoft's corporate energy strategy with Brian Janous
Microsoft's director of energy strategy talks about the company's shift away from renewable credits, the changing dynamic between C&I customers and their utilities and more.
Energy Efficiency - June 7, 2016
Building automation provider added to Con Ed's C&I energy efficiency program
Commercial and industrial companies within Consolidated Edison's customer base have a new potential partner for building automation and energy services.
Energy Efficiency - June 7, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
For heavy materials manufacturer CalPortland, it pays to be a leader in energy efficiency
This is the second in a series of original features exploring the successes of a selection of corporations recognized by Energy Star for achievements in energy efficiency.
Sourcing Renewables - June 6, 2016
Coal-heavy NRG Energy looks to cut carbon emissions 90% by 2050
NRG Energy, one of largest owners of coal-fired power generation in the country, recently affirmed plans to reduce its carbon emissions over the coming decades.
GHG Emissions - June 6, 2016
Hasbro, Nike, Hershey top Newsweek's 2016 Green Rankings
Newsweek has ranked the largest U.S. corporations by corporate sustainability and environmental impact, with Hasbro, Nike, Hershey topping the list.
June 3, 2016 - By Constellation
Fixing your price doesn't always fix your problem
You need budget certainty; you have numbers to meet this month, but unpredictable power costs can make planning for your business challenging.
Sourcing Renewables - June 3, 2016
White House gets behind Apple, Facebook-led push for corporate renewable adoption
In a June 2 announcement, the White House highlighted the efforts of a number of U.S. corporations as leaders in the push for accelerated adoption of renewable energy.
Wind - June 3, 2016
Google recognized for contributions to wind energy
The American Wind Energy Association said Google's leadership in the space has helped open the market for new wind development
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