Items Tagged with "Sprint"
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DOE recognizes MGM, Sprint, CBRE for work in EMIS
...acement, according to the DOE. Additionally, Sprint Corp., in partnership with CBRE Group Inc.,...ficiency at the DOE. The software was deployed at Sprint's corporate campus of four million squ...tive is a Smart Energy Decisions content partner. Read More...
Sprint HQ's building analytics overhaul
...alytics project. Download...ove its energy efficiency. The project has helped Sprint cut annual energy waste by more than $400,0...;Download this two-page brief to learn more about Sprint's building analytics project. Download Read More...Tags: Sprint,

Building EMS yields 15% cost savings for Sprint
...ncy at the DOE. ...ttings and potential equipment malfunctions. Sprint says its focus on implementing more sustain...ts," Darrel Carter, enterprise energy manager for Sprint, said in a statement. "Proliphix represents Read More...
Sprint tests robot EV chargers
...become smart roads and, eventually, smart cities."... emissions by 40 percent by 2030.A statement from Sprint noted the company partnered with Adaptive needed using artificial intelligence, advanced Sprint Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the Read More...
VPPA a first for Sprint
...tail stores, call centers, and cell towers." ...nd, energy and sustainability program manager for Sprint, gave attendees a preview of the agreement ...esent in this Forum and announce to this audience Sprint’s very first virtual power purchase a Read More...
Bonus Podcast Episode - Look Who Switched to Renewables: Sprint's Journey to Lower Emissions
Smart Energy Decisions' Beyond the Meter podcast presents a bonus episode recorded live at the recent Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum, where Amy Bond, energy and sustainability program manager at Sprint, announced the company's first VPPA. And it's a whopper of a deal: a 12-year agreement Read More...
Apple, eBay, Samsung, Sprint join on Texas wind project
Apple, eBay, Samsung, and Sprint joined together for a PPA in support of the creation of a 500 MW wind project in Crockett County, Texas.The purchase will include approximately 75 MW of clean energy from the White Mesa Wind project, which is expected to come online in 2021.“We're proud to be power Read More...
Sprint targets carbon neutrality by 2025
...reusing or recycling 100% of its electronic waste.... PPAs and efficiency initiatives in the last year.Sprint has previously rolled out efficiency projec...onsumption by 10-14%. Additionally, nearly 75% of Sprint’s commercial properties operate under Read More...Tags: Sprint,

Sprint to power all VA operations with renewables
...PA along the path to becoming 100% carbon neutral.... all operations by 2025. The agreement will allow Sprint to source the renewable energy from Direct ... is an all-in commitment," Chas Peterson, Head of Sprint Procurement and Supply Chain, said in a sta Read More...
SED Profiles in Partnership: Sprint & Duke Energy Renewables
...ted suppliers can submit an application here....oad this one-page recap to learn from Amy Bond at Sprint how the deal was conceived, developed and c...ted suppliers can submit an application here. Read More...