President Biden Targets 50% GHG Emissions Reduction by 2030 - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  April 22, 2021

President Biden Targets 50% GHG Emissions Reduction by 2030

Building on his goal for the U.S. to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, President Biden has set a new GHG emissions target for the United States: 50% economy-wide reduction from 2005 levels by 2030. 

This new commitment, announced on April 22 as part of the Leaders Summit on Climate,  follows the U.S. re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement earlier this year and the ensuing government-wide assessment by his National Climate Task Force to create this new 2030 emissions target. Members of the Task Force examined the potential for emissions reduction in the main GHG-producing sectors: electricity, transportation, buildings, industry, and lands. The Task Force also took into account technology availability, current and future costs, and incentives for carbon reduction. This analysis will help the National Climate Task Force develop and release a national climate strategy by the end of 2021.

The national climate strategy will support President Biden’s existing goals, including the achievement of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, which will involve energy efficiency upgrades, carbon capture, renewables-sourced electricity, and green hydrogen use in the building, manufacturing, electricity, farming, and vehicle sectors. The Task Force also plans to improve grid infrastructure for resiliency and the expanded use of clean energy. 

“Our clean energy plan will create millions of good-paying union jobs, ensure our economic competitiveness, and improve the health and security of communities across America, said President Biden in his Proclamation. “I encourage all Americans to engage in programs and activities that will promote an understanding of environmental protection, the urgency of climate change, and the need to create a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all people.”

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