Solar Canopies Top Downtown Long Beach Parking Areas - Smart Energy Decisions

Solar, Sourcing Renewables  -  May 11, 2021

Solar Canopies Top Downtown Long Beach Parking Areas

Construction of solar canopies is underway at three downtown Long Beach, California, public parking locations. This project is the first of two phases for the City of Long Beach's solar energy PPA with PFMG Solar Long Beach, LLC, which will place a total of 10 solar installations at various public facilities throughout Long Beach. All work is expected to be completed by spring 2022.


"This project is a significant step towards meeting the City's 2030 sustainability goals and another example of the city's commitment to clean energy now and in the future," said Mayor Robert Garcia in a statement.


Upon completion of phase one, the solar canopies on public parking rooftops will generate 415.2-kilowatts of electricity, about the amount needed to power 60 homes. The total development will reduce the city's carbon footprint by an estimated 530 tons and will provide about 130 convenient covered parking spaces for residents and the public


The solar project is part of the Long Beach Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) to meet 100% renewable electricity usage for all municipal accounts by 2030. The CAAP, anticipated to be adopted by the City Council in fall 2021, was developed to address climate impacts on the city, reduce the city's impact on the climate by reducing GHG emissions, and meet the city's goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. 

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