Lundin Gold Updates Emission Progress  - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions  -  May 26, 2022

Lundin Gold Updates Emission Progress 

Lundin Gold Inc. announced establishing a GHG emissions intensity baseline of 35.01 tons of CO2 equivalent per kilotonne of ore milled and 0.12 t CO2eq per ounce of gold produced.

The company also completed a preliminary physical and transition climate risk and opportunity scenario analysis, based on three possible scenarios, and presented an estimate of Lundin Gold's Scope 3 GHG emissions associated with its operations, in addition to its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. The company's climate strategy framework is based on four pillars: reduction of GHG emissions, compensation for GHG emissions, climate leadership, and climate adaptation.

Details were provided in its inaugural Climate Change Report based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure.

Lundin Gold is committed to continuing to advance the implementation of the TCFD framework and expects to announce a GHG emissions reduction target for Scopes 1 and 2 emissions later this year. 

"Our inaugural Climate Change Report and the 2021 Sustainability Report clearly show Lundin Gold's commitment to responsible mining and how this permeates every aspect of our activities,” Ron Hochstein, CEO, said in a statement. “In line with our Five-Year Sustainability Strategy, we have placed greater emphasis on several emerging themes such as climate change. We recognize the importance of being transparent regarding the implications of climate change for the Company, and I am proud that Lundin Gold is addressing this important subject aligned with the recommendations of TCFD."



Keywords: Lundin Gold  

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