Smart Energy Decisions News
GHG Emissions - April 15, 2021
MassMutual Commits to Net Zero
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) announced on April 15 the company’s climate change commitments to transition both its portfolio and operations to net zero, advancing a decarbonized economy.
Sourcing Renewables - April 15, 2021
Bimbo Canada to Offset 100% of Electricity Consumption
One of Canada’s oldest and largest bakeries, Bimbo Canada, signed two 15-year virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs) on April 13 to acquire renewable energy that will offset 100% of the company’s electricity consumption in Canada.
Solar - April 15, 2021
Solar Power Energizes Seven California Walmart Locations
Solar power now energizes seven Walmart stores in California after the completion of rooftop and parking lot carport solar installations bring 6.5 megawatts (MW) of electricity to locations in Burbank, Calexico, North Highlands, Perris, Placerville, Sacramento, and Wasco, California.
Solar - April 14, 2021
Bucknell University Plans 1.6 MW On-campus Solar Array
Bucknell University announced April 13 that it will soon be installing a 1.6 MW solar array on seven acres of its campus.
GHG Emissions - April 14, 2021
Coalition of 310 Businesses and Investors Urges Climate Action from the White House
The We Mean Business coalition, a collection of 310 businesses and investors, released April 13 alongside Ceres an open letter to President Biden showing support for a federal prioritization of climate action and emissions targets.
Energy Efficiency - April 14, 2021
2021 ENERGY STAR Award Winners Announced
The EPA announced on April 13 a total of 206 ENERGY STAR winners from more than 150 organizations in recognition of their year-over-year commitment to energy efficiency. Winners are selected from a network of thousands of ENERGY STAR partners.
GHG Emissions - April 14, 2021
Johnnie Walker Keeps Walking Toward Ambitious Sustainability Goals
Johnnie Walker announced April 14 its wide-ranging Next Steps Initiatives plan, with goals to increase the Scotch brand’s sustainability from grain to glass.
April 13, 2021
GSA Plans $91 Million Project for Improved Energy Efficiency
As part of the National Deep Energy Retrofit (NDER) program, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will improve facilities, energy efficiencies and upgrade technologies in landmark federal buildings. The plans are part of the GSA’s target of net zero energy consumption while achieving energy goals prescribed in various federal Energy Acts.
Solar - April 13, 2021
UAlbany adds Rooftop Solar as part of Clean Energy Roadmap
Construction is underway to build a 1.8 MW rooftop solar project at the University at Albany (UAlbany), which will supply 60% of the estimated electricity needed by the campus' new $180 million Emerging Technology and Entrepreneurship Complex (ETEC).
GHG Emissions - April 13, 2021
Ranpak Holdings Corp. Commits to Reducing Emissions
Ranpak Holdings Corp, an Ohio-based paper and recycling packaging solutions company, committed to reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by at least 46% by 2030, which is in line with the global reductions necessary to keep global warming to 1.5°C from pre-industrial levels. The company announced the target with the release of its 2020 ESG Impact Report.
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