Smart Energy Decisions News
June 5, 2019
Starbucks closes innovative 3-project RE deal
Starbucks has purchased a three-project renewable energy portfolio comprising wind and solar farms in North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas. The PPA portfolio will provide clean power to the electricity grids that serve more than 3,000 U.S. Starbucks stores and communities by 2021, when all three projects are online.
Solar - June 5, 2019
Bank of America aims for targets with solar at 60+ locations
Bank of America announced the expansion of its environmental operations efforts to include the installation of solar panels across multiple locations through its Onsite Solar Initiative. These actions will move the bank closer to meeting its targets of carbon neutrality and purchasing 100% renewable electricity by the end of 2020, as well as its goals to reduce location-based GHG emissions by 50% and energy use by 40% in the same timeframe.
June 4, 2019
First solar PPA for Energy Transfer
Energy Transfer, the Dallas-based Fortune 100 oil and gas pipeline company has signed its first-ever dedicated PPA for solar power.
Solar - June 4, 2019
Anheuser-Busch hits 100% RE goal with solar PPA
Anheuser-Busch has reached its 2025 goal to source 100% of their U.S. electricity needs from renewable sources ahead of schedule with the signing of a 15-year solar PPA.
Energy Efficiency - June 3, 2019
Union Pacific posts energy consumption decline
Union Pacific’s utility conservation projects reduced energy consumption by 3.1 million kWh in 2018, which is enough to annually power more than 280 U.S. homes. The company reported that many conservation projects were employee-driven solutions such as retrofitting lights with LED bulbs and upgrading air compressor systems.
Energy Storage - June 1, 2019
Weekend reads: World's largest energy storage project; How much oil in an EV?
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
GHG Emissions - May 31, 2019
KLM invests in sustainable fuel
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has committed itself for a 10-year period to the development and purchase of 75,000 metric tons of sustainable aviation fuel a year, which is expected to deliver a CO2 reduction of at least 85%, compared to fossil fuel.
Utilities - May 31, 2019
Costco denied aggregation in Virginia
Virginia regulators on May 30 denied Costco’s request to buy electricity generated by someone besides Dominion Energy, the state's largest electric monopoly.
Solar - May 30, 2019
Facebook’s first direct investment in RE; Shell to share RECs
Facebook will be the sole tax equity investor in the $416 million Prospero Solar project in Andrews County, Texas. While the company has been a leader in the procurement of clean energy, this represents their first direct investment in a renewable energy project.
Energy Efficiency - May 30, 2019
GM and Bechtel join to build EV charging stations
General Motors and Bechtel are creating a separate company to build a network of electric vehicle fast-charging stations across the country.
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