Corporate energy management news - Smart Energy Decisions

Smart Energy Decisions News

Finance  -  April 25, 2019

Walmart partners on finance options for supply chain sustainability

Walmart suppliers who demonstrate progress in their sustainability credentials will have access to improved financing from HSBC, thanks to a partnership between the two companies.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  April 25, 2019

Agilent lowers footprint with fuel cells

Agilent Technologies, a global leader in life sciences, diagnostics, and applied chemical markets, is now using clean electric power at its corporate headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif. and a business unit in Little Falls, Del. to reduce its carbon footprint by almost 4,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.

April 24, 2019

Johns Hopkins covers 2/3 of power with solar PPA

Johns Hopkins University has entered into a long-term agreement to supply its campuses with more than 250,000 megawatt-hours of solar power per year. The 15-year agreement begins in 2021 and will allow the university to meet roughly two-thirds of its overall electricity needs with solar power.

April 24, 2019

San Francisco to require 100% RE for commercial buildings

Mayor London N. Breed announced a plan to transition private commercial buildings in San Francisco of 50,000 square feet and larger to 100% renewable electricity. This new clean electricity requirement will be the first in the nation and will reduce emissions from the City’s largest commercial buildings by an additional 21% to accelerate San Francisco’s drive towards 100% RE by 2030.

Wind  -  April 23, 2019

EY US to be 100% renewable in 2020

Ernst & Young LLP announced it has signed VPPAs to initiate the construction of two large-scale Texas-based wind farms. The wind farms are scheduled to be operational mid-2020 and are expected to generate enough zero-carbon electricity to offset the absolute GHG emissions of the company’s U.S. business.

Wind  -  April 23, 2019

General Mills heads for goals with VPPA

General Mills has taken a big step toward its climate goal by signing a 15-year VPPA for a wind project in central Texas. The new wind project will produce renewable energy credits for General Mills that, together with the company’s previous wind power agreement, are calculated to equal% 100 percent of the electricity used annually at the company’s owned domestic facilities.

Solar  -  April 22, 2019

Bed Bath & Beyond adds solar to corporate office

Bed Bath & Beyond celebrated Earth Day by adding a nearly 500-kilowatt solar system at its corporate office in Union, New Jersey. The system also marks one decade of a partnership between the retailer and SunPower, which started with a 1.2-megawatt system at that office and has since resulted in the deployment of solar arrays at 41 locations across six states.

Utilities  -  April 22, 2019

Facebook hit with $39M utility bill in NM

Facebook will be billed $39 million by PNM, nearly half the cost of a new $85 million transmission line, according to a ruling from the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) in New Mexico.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 20, 2019

Weekend reads: Grocers go green to compete; World's largest solar plant

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:

GHG Emissions  -  April 19, 2019

General Mills lowers GHG emissions

General Mills' greenhouse gas emissions footprint decreased 13% in 2018 compared to 2010, across its value chain in the areas of agriculture, packaging, producing, shipping, converting, selling and consuming.

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