Smart Energy Decisions News
Sourcing Renewables - February 16, 2017
Switch opens sustainably designed data center campus
Data center company Switch, which has a demonstrated focus on the environmental impact of its operations, has opened a massive data center campus that will run entirely on renewable energy.
Demand Management - February 15, 2017 - By Amy Poszywak
Petco targets enterprisewide savings with analytics-driven energy management program
Within the first year of embarking on the deployment of a standardized, analytics-driven energy management program, Petco is seeing operational energy savings of 3% to 5% and higher, besting its expectations.
Energy Efficiency - February 15, 2017
Pittsburgh tower achieves Energy Star certification
An iconic downtown Pittsburgh high-rise, the 64-story U.S. Steel Tower, was recently awarded certification from the U.S. EPA's Energy Star program after a series of energy efficiency retrofits.
Regulation - February 15, 2017
EIA: Coal will again be country's largest source of electric generation without Clean Power Plan
If the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan is not implemented, coal will again become the leading source of electricity generation by 2019, and retain that position through 2032, according to projects from the Energy Information Administration.
Solar - February 14, 2017
C&I customers drive $800M utility solar investment
Virginia-based utility giant Dominion on Feb. 14 said it is investing more than $800 million in solar power in Virginia, primarily supported by its largest energy customers.
Demand Management - February 14, 2017
ACEEE: Utility demand response programs, paired with energy efficiency, show huge savings potential
A recent analysis of energy savings from utility-sector energy efficiency programs found that in 2015, they saved about 200 billion kWh, or more than 5% of U.S. retail electric sales that year.
Distributed Generation - February 13, 2017
California pizza franchise eyes rooftop solar
Following the successful installation of a commercial photovoltaic solar installation at the company's Sacramento headquarters, a popular pizza restaurant franchise is now looking to expand the technology to each of its 64 locations.
Energy Efficiency - February 13, 2017
REIT nabs 100% Gold, Platinum LEED certification
New York City-based real estate investment trust Paramount Group Inc.'s has announced that its entire portfolio of office buildings has achieved either Gold or Platinum LEED certification.
Regulation - February 11, 2017
Weekend reads: Trump's coal promise; California's costly oversupply; a conservative carbon tax & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Distributed Generation - February 10, 2017
UPS plans $18M distributed solar rollout
UPS recently announced plans to ramp up its investment in solar energy, to the tune of $18 million, as it becomes an owner/operator of solar assets.
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