Smart Energy Decisions News
Solar - November 11, 2016
Google expands 'project sunroof' calculator capabilities
Google has expanded the capabilities of its 'Project Sunroof' data explorer to include solar generation estimates for entire communities.
November 11, 2016
Report: The C&I energy storage market is accelerating
With interest and implementation of energy storage technologies quickly gaining momentum at corporations across the U.S., a new report estimates that revenue for the commercial and industrial storage industry will increase by almost $10 billion by 2025.
November 10, 2016
Kaiser Permanente touts California solar PPA
Marking a step toward Kaiser Permanente's goal of using 100% renewable energy by 2025, the health care company on Nov. 10 celebrated the opening of a California solar facility from which it has signed a 20-year power purchase agreement.
Energy Efficiency - November 10, 2016
CEMEX teaches old cement plant new tricks
The company's 100-year-old cement plant in California has been recognized by Energy Star and the Wildlife Habitat Council for its energy efficiency reductions and other sustainability measures.
Regulation - November 9, 2016
Election roundup: The top 5 energy stories
A roundup of the best day-after-the-election energy stories on Donald Trump's energy policies, plus outcomes from a series of clean energy ballot initiatives.
Regulation - November 9, 2016
Nevada approves C&I-backed deregulation proposal
Voters in Nevada have approved a ballot initiative backed by data company Switch and the Las Vegas Sands casino aimed at breaking up the monopoly of electric utility NV Energy.
Energy Procurement - November 8, 2016
Texas power company rebrands after EFH spinoff
Following emergence from the Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, Energy Future Holdings as a standalone entity, Texas-based energy and power company TCEH Corp. has renamed itself Vista Energy.
Energy Storage - November 8, 2016
Mercedes-Benz enters energy storage market
Mercedes-Benz, through a newly established company Mercedes-Benz Energy North America LLC, has entered the energy storage market with its own brand of stationary energy systems.
Sourcing Renewables - November 7, 2016
Microsoft outlines data center clean energy goals
Toward its goal of powering its data centers with 50% renewable energy by the end of 2018, Microsoft has said it got 44% of the way there in fiscal 2016.
November 7, 2016
BMW, GM, Nissan team up to push EV deployment
The White House, in partnership with 28 utilities, automakers and other companies, on Nov. 3 announced plans to build 48 electric vehicle charging corridors along highways across the U.S.
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