Smart Energy Decisions News
Energy Storage - October 31, 2016
Panasonic to install solar-plus-storage system
Panasonic has reached an agreement for the development and installation of a solar-plus-storage system at its Denver operations hub.
October 29, 2016
Weekend reads: Zombie renewables; GE floats massive oil-and-gas deal; Tesla vandalism & more
Kick-back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Energy Efficiency - October 28, 2016
Lighting retrofit at Louisiana GE plant saves $32k
General Electric has completed the first of seven phases of energy efficiency retrofits planned for its Shreveport, La., plant.
Sourcing Renewables - October 28, 2016
Utility green tariffs on the rise, new report finds
In partial response to demand from large commercial and industrial energy users, the number of green tariff options provided by U.S. utilities increased significantly in 2016, a new report has found.
Wind - October 27, 2016
Whirlpool breaks ground on $3.3M wind project
The wind turbine installation at an Ohio manufacturing plant is part of the company's larger, $13.3 million "Wind for Industry" initiative.
Energy Efficiency - October 27, 2016
HanesBrands targets 40% renewable energy by 2020
After achieving a 25% reduction in energy consumption and establishing renewable energy sources for more than 25% of its global electricity needs, HanesBrands Inc. has new goals for 2020.
Energy Efficiency - October 26, 2016
PepsiCo reports $96M+ in energy cost savings
PepsiCo's energy efficiency efforts have saved the company more than $96 million since 2006; looking forward, it plans to combine efficiency with cleaner power to meet its 2025 sustainability goals.
Regulation - October 26, 2016
Ohio businesses push Legislature on clean energy
Nine national corporations including Campbell Soup Company, JLL and Owens Corning have joined together to urge lawmakers in Ohio to reinstate efficiency and renewable energy standards that were frozen in 2014.
Energy Storage - October 25, 2016
Home Depot to install 200 energy storage systems
The Home Depot has plans to deploy a new energy storage solution, created through a newly announced strategic alliance between Southern Co. and Bloom Energy, at about 60 of its retail stores, bringing its total installations to 200.
Sourcing Renewables - October 25, 2016
Starbucks moves higher in EPA green power ranks
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership on Oct. 24 updated its Top Partner Rankings, which highlight organizations that are choosing to use electricity from clean, renewable sources.
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