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Solar  -  July 7, 2022

Kilroy Realty Adds Three Solar Sites

Kilroy Realty Corporation announced that it has completed three onsite solar installations in San Diego and San Francisco.

July 7, 2022

Fort Riley Launches Solar   

The third phase of the solar energy program at Fort Riley was kicked of and will bring nearly 17MW of renewable energy to power more than 40% homes when it is completed.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 29, 2022

London's Tube Seeks RE

The Mayor of London announced June 27 that the UK capital has launched a PPA tender in search for projects that could provide up to 10% of the electricity needs for the city's underground transport network.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 28, 2022

Sweden Hosts First 100% SAF Regional Flight

The first-ever 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)-powered test flight on a commercial regional aircraft took place June 21 in Sweden as part of the 100% sustainable aviation fuel certification process for the ATR aircraft.

Wind  -  June 28, 2022

Kraft Heinz Inks First Wind VPPA

The Kraft Heinz Company has completed its first wind energy investment with a 12-year VPPA.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  June 28, 2022

Kroger Expands EV Charging Access Across 10 States

The Kroger Co. increased its EV charging station availability at store locations across the U.S. through sweeping collaborations with various EV charging providers.

Solar  -  June 24, 2022

Bank of America Signs Solar Energy Agreement

Bank of America announced a 15-year, 160-MW agreement to purchase power and project-specific renewable energy certificates (RECs).

Finance  -  June 24, 2022

Invitation Homes Enters Into Sustainability-Linked Loan

Invitation Homes Inc. announced that it has entered into a new $725 million seven-year unsecured term loan maturing in June 2029.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 23, 2022

Google Achieves 66% Carbon-Free Electricity

Google operated at 66% CFE in 2021, which was 5% higher than 2019, but 1% lower than 2020.

Solar  -  June 22, 2022

T-Mobile Launches Minnesota Community Solar Gardens 

T-Mobile announced 14 new one-megawatt community solar gardens to generate renewable energy and provide energy cost savings to T-Mobile locations across seven Minnesota counties.

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